Who are these idiots?

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J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
Friday evening I passed a news stand and a title on a paper caught my attention:
Israel influye contra documental de Hitler!

I read on. It so turns out, that a movie presentation, part of the CULTURAL event at the Santo Domingo book fair (Feria del libro) had been canceled just hours or minutes before it's schedule. The rumor now is that it was Israeli pressure which forced the shut down of the presentation of the "Documentary". Imagine!

Well, the "Documentary", filmed 1936 by Leni Riefenstahl (Leni Riefenstahl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), was NOT a "documentary" but a in large part staged NSDAP (Nazi) Propaganda flick with the title Triumph des Willens [Triumph of the Will].
The movie is 1:45 long and Leni Riefenstahl HAS been credited for novel direction and editing.
While I will obviously object to the message, after viewing it (Triumph des Willens on YouTube) I have to agree that some shots (angles, ideas etc) were way ahead of it's time... but that may now really only qualify cut down and edited for a presentation at a filming seminar, maybe.

Here are some news links to the "story":

Interesting, how most seem to insist that it was a "Documentary" and only one really denounces the fact that it instead was PRO-NAZI propaganda material which has been banned in many countries.

I would not object to showing material like this to an informed (prepared) crowed to document how the NAZI machinery operated, or to show Mrs. Riefenstahl's "visions". But as THE movie as a CULTURAL even at a book fair??

Interestingly enough, NONE of the news paper reports I found so far, clearly point out WHO (by name and position) were the light bulbs who came up with that "great" idea. I mean, one really has to search to come up with that pick.


Are these the same who still vote for Balaguer, Pena Gomez or Bosch?
Or are THESE the "EDUCATED" class of the DR?

Why not celebrate a National "Ignorance" day, instead? Free Presidentes and Brugal (the clear stuff, it's more effective!)!

The DR HAS a history with the Jewish people which is worth while discussing with PRIDE (Sosua). Now THAT would make a great subject for a CULTURAL event!

.... J-D.

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
Correction, it was filmed 1934 and released 1935.

By the way, as a mitigation factor, I might mention that the film received some raving International reviews and PRICES before the war! Even a gold medal at the 1935 Venice Biennale, and the Grand Prix at the 1937 World Exhibition in PARIS!!
The movie features only ONE short mention on "race", when Julius Schleicher speaks.

... J-D.


Mar 4, 2004
This is the original programme and it was scheduled for last Thursday evening (go to P 140 '8: 00 p.m. Videoteca Jean Luis Jorge Documentales. El triunfo de la voluntad. Dirigida por Leni Riefenstahl. Muestra el desarrollo del congreso del Partido Nacionalsocialista en 1934 en N?remberg')
Ministerio de Cultura Direcci?n General de la Feria del Libro
XIII Feria Internacional del Libro Santo Domingo 2010

I can only assume that whoever choose it was looking at the artistic techniques rather than the content & maybe didn't know much about Leni Riefenstahl

The Nazi Who Won't Die Leni Riefenstahl at 100

In answer to your question, there was obviously an organising committee whom you can email at comision@ferilibro.com

XIII Feria Internacional del Libro Santo Domingo 2010

I don't know how far the Minister of Culture was involved in decision making but you could always write and ask him contacto@cultura.gob.do

? bient?t

"Idiots," say you? Not so fast. Showing how propaganda works is not the work of idiots.

Please give Dominicans more credit.
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I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
Interesting, how most seem to insist that it was a "Documentary" and only one really denounces the fact that it instead was PRO-NAZI propaganda material which has been banned in many countries.


Hey JD, how's your Spanish compared to SantiagoDR?. I read the links that you posted and all of them express in no uncertain terms that this is nazi propaganda.

Cancelan el filme que elogia nazismo - List?n Diario Digital

"Santo Domingo.- La organizaci?n de la XIII Feria del Libro suspendi? anoche la proyecci?n de “El triunfo de la voluntad”, de Leni Riefenstahl, un documental cuestionado por su corte apolog?tico del nazismo en todo el mundo."

Rechazan que se proyecte pel?cula en Feria del Libro - List?n Diario Digital

"Santo Domingo.- Una pel?cula criticada mundialmente por ser una apolog?a del nazismo ser? exhibida esta tarde en la XIII Feria del Libro, pese a la advertencia de algunos intelectuales y periodistas que se preguntan el valor de su proyecci?n en un evento como el que se realiza en la Plaza de la Cultura."

Israel influye contra documental Hitler - ElNacional.com.do

"Muchos dominicanos y extranjeros critican el car?cter apolog?tico del nazismo que se proyecta en el filme que tiene poco audio en off, ya que en la mayor?a de las tomas se us? el audio del ambiente."

"No hay dudas de que el documental es una apolog?a del nazismo cuya exhibici?n constituye una ofensa a la memoria de los millones de personas v?ctimas del genocidio nazi"

Remember; this are journalism articles, not "opinion" one. These are real newspapers, not "Faux News".

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
"Idiots," say you? Not so fast. Showing how propaganda works is not the work of idiots.

Please give Dominicans more credit.

I don't often call anybody an Idiot on here or elsewhere. So far to the "not so fast" comment.

Without FIRST understanding the history behind it?

I'll gladly give anyone credit who has a basic understanding or the underlining history. YOU go out, and ask people HERE, WHO Adolf Hitler was or about the 3rd Reich. Maybe I've been asking the wrong people, but the answers I often got around here, ranging from not knowing at all to "el Presidente de Alemania" would suggest that a little "preparation" would not be uncalled for, before exposing the general public to a propaganda flick at a cultural event to a public who has a history of being subjected to vote courting on the premises of Salami-bribes and cold-ones handouts.

I think there are better cinematographic initiations to that subject: Holocaust, Schindler's List, Hitler -The Last Days, Air Battle Over England, D-Day.

But SURE! Why not. Hey I provided a link to the full version. You are welcome to download it and make it a nice little Sunday eve family viewing! I mean, go for it. You will tell me how it went and how enlightening it proved to be, right?

Hey JD, how's your Spanish compared to SantiagoDR?. I read the links that you posted and all of them express in no uncertain terms that this is nazi propaganda.

Actually, on Saturday they DID NOT.

The first ones mostly mentioned the rumor of the Israeli embassy having "powered"-off the showing of what they initially called a HISTORY DOCUMENTARY.
Only the last link I provided did from the beginning denounce it be Nazi Propaganda and unfit for that event.
Besides, the news response was not the subject of my "beef" here.

As to the IDIOTS, my question was, who it was who had the bright idea to schedule THAT "movie" in the first place. The organizers.

Vacara, I'd be the first to be glad for ANYONE, certainly SantiagoDR inclusive to have better Spanish then I do. What's your point?


... J-D.


Mar 4, 2004
I think if the Book Fair's intention had been to have an evening of demonstrations of how one genre of film/book/play/poem can masquerade as another, that would have been excellent. How fiction set in just about enough real-life can 'pass' as history, how propaganda can pass as documentary, etc etc. Illustrated by clips from government run TV channels, for example :cheeky: or the Riefenstahl film or a whole lot of other examples. A sort of consciousness-raising event showing how easy it is to be duped.

Actually, you could take Riefenstahl's life after WWII as an example of being in denial, particularly the interest in primitivism (the Nuba in Sudan). Interesting lady, doubtless talented & ahead of her time with film techniques BUT.............needs to be set in context.

? bient?t

But SURE! Why not. Hey I provided a link to the full version. You are welcome to download it and make it a nice little Sunday eve family viewing! I mean, go for it. You will tell me how it went and how enlightening it proved to be, right?


... J-D.

JD, you are a great contributor. So, why succumb this low?

The literal mind would read this and conclude I don't know anything about the Nazi past. Of course not: I'm Dominican, and the FSM knows we need a lesson on good taste. Or maybe assume I'm insensitive.

We read and analyze and learn and read some more and... yeah, aunque usted no lo crea.

This is not the first time some of us have seen this video; it's old news. No. Really.

I ain't no island; I'm part of the main... Jewish or not.

So, be easy on us.


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Hey JD, how's your Spanish compared to SantiagoDR?. ..........
I see I have become "Famous" and a standard to judge how well one knows Spanish.

Forever to be know as the:

"SantiagoDR Spanish Test"

I am "Honored"!


Let the celebration begin!


J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
JD, you are a great contributor. So, why succumb this low?

The literal mind would read this and conclude I don't know anything about the Nazi past. Of course not: I'm Dominican, and the FSM knows we need a lesson on good taste. Or maybe assume I'm insensitive.

We read and analyze and learn and read some more and... yeah, aunque usted no lo crea.

This is not the first time some of us have seen this video; it's old news. No. Really.

I ain't no island; I'm part of the main... Jewish or not.

So, be easy on us.

"So why succumb this low?":
You mean I should have opted to join those who chose to play offended because their little "movie" session was thwarted, allegedly because of an Israeli interference in Dominican-Cultural festivities? For the sake of being a "great contributor"? Thanks btw! But sorry, I will not compromise.
Those who chose THAT flick over the 10's of thousands available and certainly dozens good ones available on the subject of the 3rd Reich, are idiots.

"... have to give Dominicans more credit":
Credit would be EARNED IF the people who had a say in all this, would have come forward and pointed the finger to themselves and explained and possibly even accepted to an error of judgment and mistake instead of sending out for others to point the finger at the embassy of one of the nations which which has suffered beyond imagination under those who commissioned this propaganda.
This would have allowed me to give credit for taking responsibility and assuming an error, actually something which in my opinion would have been greater than the bloop at hand.
You seem to try to suggest that I implied that the Dominicans as a whole are idiots. Well, while I certainly question the preparedness of the general public to be able to take that film's message with utter caution, I nowhere will be shown that I implied that Dominicans as a whole are idiots.
If that would have been something you and others felt reading my posts here, I apologize wholeheartedly as it would not have been my intention.

"We read and analyze and learn and read some more": I am glad I can trust YOU and yours DO. Still, would you like for the two of us to assist to a history class in a public school before we discuss the subject any further? Would you join me for a little inquest on the street, asking people about the subject, recollecting answers? I'm game! You and I would wind up having some good times and maybe find a way of changing things beyond my name calling or you apparent resistance to accept that there was a blunder.

"This is not the first time some of us have seen this video; it's old news. No. Really. ":
It is, about 75 years old. That doesn't make it any less dangerous and given what happened between then and the 10 years that followed, offensiveness. Propaganda does not expire. Thousands of Neo Nazi's are sadly living prove of that.
If "many of you" have seen it, what made it so worth while repeating a presentation?

"I ain't no island; I'm part of the main... Jewish or not.":
Certainly you are not. No individual is. But then, it wasn't about you, or did you....?

Don't get me wrong. I have always opposed the ban of Nazi "material" imposed in some countries, notably Germany and the US. I think it make it just the more attractive to confused young generation. The third Reich, it's uprising and fall and the human cost should be EXPLAINED to generations to follow. And the artifacts and other remainders should be preserved as warnings and not enhanced in "value" because they have been outlawed.
But that takes fundamental education... not of a few, but the general public. Something I not only feel somewhat missing here, but gradually all over the world.

... J-D.
Sep 20, 2003
Raving at me from the podium

I would certainly hope that if I did attend a showing of this film the moderator wouldn't be someone like you. :tired:

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I think if the Book Fair's intention had been to have an evening of demonstrations of how one genre of film/book/play/poem can masquerade as another, that would have been excellent. How fiction set in just about enough real-life can 'pass' as history, how propaganda can pass as documentary, etc etc. Illustrated by clips from government run TV channels, for example :cheeky: or the Riefenstahl film or a whole lot of other examples. A sort of consciousness-raising event showing how easy it is to be duped.

Actually, you could take Riefenstahl's life after WWII as an example of being in denial, particularly the interest in primitivism (the Nuba in Sudan). Interesting lady, doubtless talented & ahead of her time with film techniques BUT.............needs to be set in context.

Is this your educated guess or do you have something that would prove this was the intent of the Book Fair, Hindsight being 20-20.

? bient?t

JD: "...nice little Sunday eve... enlightening..." Your words. That's what I meant when I asked why go this low. Nothing to do with your outrage, but more with your suggestion.

And no, it's not about me (normally a game-ender, and used by the literal minds of DR1 AS A FORM OF RIDICULE), but you quoted my "Not so fast" post to make your suggestion.

Now, do I detect some kind of resentment if Dominicans break away from the Oh-they-are-so-friendly-but-yet-so-ignorant mold? We are supposed to smile and take our lessons from the gringos, right? Is not about me. You made it about us. You are not the only one who suffered. Humanity suffered the Nazi past, thus my "I'm part of the main."

By the way, I'm the least qualified to educate the masses. I'm sure you could find plenty of volunteers here.

Adrian Bye

Jul 7, 2002
a 70 year old film won't have much influence, especially when we know what outcome came from it.

its more important for people to watch it so they can detect when similar persuasion techniques are being used on them in a modern environment.

JD, i get why you're annoyed, but i think you're hurting your cause by suggesting it be blocked.
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Mar 4, 2004
Is this your educated guess or do you have something that would prove this was the intent of the Book Fair, Hindsight being 20-20.

I have no idea what their intention was and I certainly wouldn't guess at it. What I said was
I think if the Book Fair's intention had been to have an evening of demonstrations of how one genre of film/book/play/poem can masquerade as another, that would have been excellent.
(emboldened to clarify the hypothetical nature of the sentence).


Nov 17, 2004
I would not object to showing material like this to an informed (prepared) crowed to document how the NAZI machinery operated, or to show Mrs. Riefenstahl's "visions". But as THE movie as a CULTURAL even at a book fair??

... J-D.

This film documentary was filmed early on during the Nazi regime. However anyone wants to portray it, it's legacy has been tarnished not so much by what it represented but by what transpired AFTERWARDS.

The film has been mistakenly labeled as Nazi propaganda representing not the particular time and place but as a celebration for the crimes committed many years after it was filmed. My take on it is, it was a beautifully shot film and this woman was a talented filmmaker who was way ahead of her time.

To juxtapose this film with other recommendations, such as "Schindler's List" is academically irresponsible if your goal is to have Dominicans understand this period of world history. Anyone who has read the book and watched the movie will tell you the same thing.

The Nazi regime was multifaceted and complex. Films are but a starting point, but they do not take the place of actual scholarship and research.

It is important to recognize the importance of this film as cinema while addressing the underlying ignorance that many people have of the events that shaped the film with researching the subject further.

Film is a powerful genre able to convey emotions that no other media can, but to utilize it as a true and complete representative of historical events would be giving it too much credit. And it would be intellectually lazy.

I see nothing wrong with it as a work of art which represented the cultural and political zeitgeist of that particular time.
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J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
I am starting to be unsure if some people on here are trying to be "funny" and I might be missing the "humor". I shall thus not comment on some of the bizarre statements posted. I prefer to remain unsure that I read them as they were intended by the writer(s).

? bient?t chooses to play the "estoy ofendido"-card, and in the name of the whole Republic... FINE. You are quite entitled to enjoy your little "ofendido"-minute if that makes you feel patriotic. Maybe goes to suggest a few things, but that shall remain my interpretation.
It only leaves me wondering how you think the International community will judge that choice of film event? As the pinnacle of intellectual and cultural wisdom, or maybe a hint of lack of sensitivity and understanding of the feelings this may have brought up?

Ladies, Gentlemen, I am sorry I brought up the subject, but I shall not be expected to be sorry in any way for how I feel about the subject and those who had a hand in choosing this material for public viewing at a cultural event.

This thread has clearly lost it's allure, and some seem to suggest that this is my fault... they may be right too.
So, you will have to excuse me, but I'll move on to other more attractive subjects.
I don't want to develop any ill feelings against anybody here.

Thank you all for your interest and input! ... J-D.

? bient?t

ME? Patriotic? Now, THAT'S offensive!

And remember:

BBQ chicken
Cadillac Car

We're not as dumb
As you think we IS

But to set the record straight: we should all be offended not just by Nazis, but by Erdogan and his Muslim minions, el cardenal Dominicano, the Vatican Rottweiler, the Church, Pat Robertson, Glenn Beck, Trujillo, Ann Coulter, GHWB, GWB, Ray-gun, Pinochet, Scalia...
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