New amusement park in the Dominican Republic??


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I was talking to a friend of mine last night and he told me about an article that he read in the newspaper about an auction in which a major purchaser at the auction referenced opening an amusement park in the DR. So, I was checking online this morning and found this article in the Sun Sentinel south Florida newspaper:

Wannado City auction sells thousands of items from the theme park that went bust - South Florida

Has anyone heard of Hector Guillardo and this amusement park?
(or could Hector Guillardo in fact be Pichardo?)

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
another genius. an amusement park in the DR. that is going to work just dandy. gringos from all over the world will be flocking here to ride roller coasters. not to mention all the locals who will be joining long queues to drive bumper cars. someone should introduce local businessmen to project analysts, saving them a lot of money. unless, of course, someone wants to show some losses on the books


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Guatemala has a middle class (but without the amount of tourists the DR receives) roughly the size of the Dominican middle class, and they have a very successful amusement park. They even receive visitors from neighboring El Salvador.

Can't think of a reason why the Dominican version would not work.

Plus, there used to be a park called Quisqueya Park where the Conservatorio de la M?sica is today, although they closed in early 1990s.

Puerto Rico doesn't have a single amusement park. Great potential market to market the Dominican park as part of a vacation package.