looking for work for my DR friends - married couple, excellent hardworking people!

Lorna R

New member
Dec 12, 2007
Hi, My friends live in Punta Cana and they are the best people! They are a married couple with 2 children. They are kind, honest and very hard working. They need good jobs that will allow them take care of their young family. Is there anyone that has any openings, any suggestions, any help at all would be really appreciated. My husband and I have known them for the past 4 years and we love them and consider them family. I want to be able to bring them to Canada but have been told that they would not qualify to immigrate so the next best thing I can do is try to find good employment for them. They need and deserve a break, an opportunity! Thanks


Feb 22, 2010
There is alot of work around Punta Cana in bars for natives if they speak a little English. Only expect to get paid RD7,000 per month but they will walk away with an average RD500 per day in tips. Good jobs? hmm, if they are unable to find good jobs for themselves then there is little chance they are qualified for a good job. Just how it is. Like I say, if they have a little English they should beable to walk into a bar job in a day.

Lorna R

New member
Dec 12, 2007
There is alot of work around Punta Cana in bars for natives if they speak a little English. Only expect to get paid RD7,000 per month but they will walk away with an average RD500 per day in tips. Good jobs? hmm, if they are unable to find good jobs for themselves then there is little chance they are qualified for a good job. Just how it is. Like I say, if they have a little English they should beable to walk into a bar job in a day.

Mary speaks English pretty well and has been teaching herself French and German. David speaks fairly good English. Mary has been working at a resort doing massage and David has been driving a bus. They make just enough to rent a very small apartment and keep food on the table but not enough to every get ahead in any way. I am not sure if they have tried to work in a bar because of having small children and I think that they try to be home in the evenings with their children.


Feb 22, 2010
Is they are managing to put food on the table then they are doing just fine, people don't get ahead here, people get by (ex pats n native alike), be happy that they are doing this well. Your concern is nice n all but misplaced, it sounds like they have it just fine.

Lorna R

New member
Dec 12, 2007
They speak English. Mary better than David. David did take some post secondary training, I think in Engineering but had to quit due to the cost.

Lorna R

New member
Dec 12, 2007
Is they are managing to put food on the table then they are doing just fine, people don't get ahead here, people get by (ex pats n native alike), be happy that they are doing this well. Your concern is nice n all but misplaced, it sounds like they have it just fine.

Interesting......They feel that they are struggling and dream of having opportunities to better themselves. They get by only if they do not loose a job, get sick or have their work hours reduced. I can understand why they dream of something better for themselves and their children. I would like to be able to help them realize some of their dreams.


Feb 22, 2010
In an ideal world this would be great, but this place is far from ideal, infact it is a serious struggle, even for those of us with slightly better opportunities. Everyone wants what they can't have, or more of a good life.
I say be a friend, visit them when you come over, don't put finances and friendship into the mix, it will only end in disaster and complication, and at the end of the day you will both feel let down for one reason or another.

Be a friend, but allow them to make their own way in life, they got this far and they will continue without outside help.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
You have described the lives of 10 million Dominicans.
When a foreigner comes to thr DR and stays at a resort,It is like visiting your local animal rescue league.You want to take them all home.You Can't! So you are "befriended".Please continue to be "nice" to your Dominican friends.
As was said,they alredy have,what are considered "good jobs" in the DR.ANY job is "good" to have !!!

"LaLOUVRE" get some sleep,and just where is this "farm"? And then ask yourself,"Where are the DOMINICANS, who need the jobs?"

Are you,"FRENCH" Canadian???
Well,of course you are!!!!
THATexplains it! :p:p:p

Nov 10, 2010
Why on earth would YOU take it upon yourself to bring them to canada? i mean how dare you, they can not get a job in the DR, most likely they will not be able to obtain a job in canada... due to language constraints. Did you think they would be valued more highly than other highly skilled migrants that seek a canadian work visa and career etc.?? I mean altruistic people like you irritate me. Attempting to save people that will not be able to cope in your country, is beyond stupidity. In my country we have tremendous amounts of non-english speaking people who were allowed in but.... strangely can't locate work (duh! due to english difficulties). Back to you, did you consider these, or any other of a million problems they will have as you try to save them. Incredible ingnorance