Mejia to issue Sovereign Bonds



Foreign investment in Sovereign DR Bonds, will this help social and economic conditions in the DR?
Wonder what the interest rates will be? Thinking of buying some, kind a like a piece of the rock.
But who will payback, DR taxpayers???


If you consider the DR govt as a "piece of the rock," there is still some swampland in florida for sale


Yes! I even have some of it for sale!...;-))....swampland that is.....;-))....


These bonds are issued with the strength and security of the Dominican government---that being the case they should be automatically discounted by at least 50%---does anyone seriously think that a Dominican government has any intention to honour it's financial obligations other than to line it's own pockets
the gov't won't even honor it's obligation to pay electrical expenses and they want us to think they'll honor their commitment to pay the bond
rack another one up to the HIPSTER


"joey" That was my point

Who will pay off the bonds, the Dominican taxpayer??
Will it really help social and economic conditions?
Will there be any benefit from millions of US dollars?
Will it line a few more pockets and leave the country indebted to the US gov't who will likely back the sale of bonds and hold the country hostage with a large mortgage?
As for my illusion as to a piece of the rock was a reference to previous investments gone sour with the company who uses the Rock as their logo.
I sure would like to own a piece of land in the DR but really can't afford it now and after bonds are issued, you can be assured that prices will rise dramatically.
I already own land in Florida, not swamp either, but really would rather go to the DR, where the weather is more consistent and predictable.

C. Paulino

When was the last time a Dominican Republic Government bond was ever paid? I know of bonds from the 1960's that are still unpaid and the buyers are selling them for 10% of their value. The government can't even pay foreign debt without all us paying it for them with the "Differential tax on energy".

For those crazy enough to buy these bonds, I suggest Russian Rubbles as a safer investment.

Stephen Hadley

Re: "joey" That was my point

If you can afford to lose your money on a DR Bond, you can afford buy some DR real estate. At least you will have the property in the end.

I would suggest that it would be a much better investment too.

Just plain old land is not all that expensive if you are willing to be a little out of the way...