Sos?a?s archaeological treasures


Jan 1, 2002
From today's Sosua News:
[h=5]Not far from Sos?a (in El Choco) there is a limestone mine. The marl, consisting of calcium compounds, originates from the so-called chalk period. This several meters thick limestone layer at El Choco accreted 66 to 145 million years ago. The age of the Cretaceous was a period of relatively warm climate and high sea level. They think only Jarabacoa at that time with the high mountain Pica Duarte protruded above sea level.[/h][h=5]In the water survived the now extinct groups of animals including marine reptiles, ammonites and rudists. On land lived several types of dinosaurs. The Cretaceous ended by the impact of a 10 to 15 km wide meteorite which destroyed 90% of terrestrial life and which included the end of the dinosaurs. In the marl or marly limestone that is found in the mine of El Choco, there are traces of that time perceptible.[/h][h=5]It is Dutchman Gerard of Tractor del Norte, who is always present at the excavations and searches for fossilized sea creatures, shells, plants and tree debris. He also made plausible that the black band running horizontally at two meters depth along the entire area, shows the impact of the meteorite. The impact was so huge and fierce that the earthly atmosphere was covered with clouds and sunlight could not pass through for hundreds of years.[/h][h=5]It was all very cold which caused the extinction of many plants and animals. Gerard has found a lot of petrified shell, ferns and tree branches. His intention is to set up an information center in the near future on the grounds of Casa Linda City where all these petrified objects will be exhibited. Obviously this involves a lot of information and explanation about the ancient history of Sos?a.[/h]