Luperon Boat Thefts. (For Cruisers, and other interested parties)


Active member
Jun 28, 2008
Written by a Dominican friend of mine from Luperon.

To Whom it may concern:

In the year 2007, there were approximately 200 boats in Luperon Harbour. People enjoyed the safe environment and there was no need to lock their boats to go to shore to any of the Marinas or for shopping etc. Each boat was spending approximately, $2,000 USD per month in Luperon and surrounding cities. Currently, September 2012, there are only 30 live aboard boats in the Harbour, reducing the local economy from approx. $400,000 USD per month to only approx. $60,000 USD per month. Why?� because of the reoccurring robberies in the Harbour. Between November 2009 and present date, September 2012, there have been 33 recorded robberies, ranging in a loss of between $500. USD-$10,000 USD per individual robbery; totalling approx. $75,000 USD. (This amount is the current value of items stolen, not the replacement value, that amount is more like approx. $250,000 USD to replace items with new). Recorded vessels robbed are:

Ob La Di- robbed 4 times total
Double Trouble
El Gecco- robbed 3 times
Miss Teak- robbed twice
Wind Walker-robbed 2 twice
Water Music
Joanna-robbed twice
Midnight Sun-Robbed twice
Alu By
Arctutus- robbed twice
Another Way
Sweet Caroline
Irish Whisper
Sea Change

33 Robberies over 35 months time. These are just the ones that were reported to us, several boats have left, therefore we are not sure if there are more unrecorded.

Out of the 33 robberies, only 1 arrest has been made, only 1 item was returned to the owner, even though photos of the thieves , during the robbery were given to the Authorities here and they admitted they knew who the robbers were. When robberies are reported to local Authorities, the victims are sent from local authoritative office to another, with no-one taking responsibility or seeking justice. No follow-up is ever done, no arrests ever made, no stolen items ever returned to the rightful owners. Most of the intruded vessels have now left Luperon, never to return. Every boating community they enter after leaving Luperon, they report how unsafe Luperon Harbour is and how the local Authorities do nothing to seek justice. They write on their cruising blogs, report to newspapers, magazines publishers, travel agencies and announce on SSB Radio, to warn cruisers to bypass the Dominican Republic all together.

Boaters in Luperon Harbour currently pay $25.00 USD per month for Harbour Fee's. There is no patrol boat, no guards stopping locals from entering vessels, and no help for return of stolen items. Just where does this monthly money go and to whom?

Luperon Harbour is clearing out fast, and soon Luperon town will only have the local economy to survive on.

** The Thieves on Ob La Di were photographed while robbing the vessel, 3 of the 4 times.....these photo's were given to the authorities, they admitted to knowing who they were, yet no arrests were ever made and no items were returned to the owners**


May 7, 2011
My s/v too, Restless

Written by a Dominican friend of mine from Luperon.

To Whom it may concern:

In the year 2007, there were approximately 200 boats in Luperon Harbour. People enjoyed the safe environment and there was no need to lock their boats to go to shore to any of the Marinas or for shopping etc. Each boat was spending approximately, $2,000 USD per month in Luperon and surrounding cities. Currently, September 2012, there are only 30 live aboard boats in the Harbour, reducing the local economy from approx. $400,000 USD per month to only approx. $60,000 USD per month. Why?� because of the reoccurring robberies in the Harbour. Between November 2009 and present date, September 2012, there have been 33 recorded robberies, ranging in a loss of between $500. USD-$10,000 USD per individual robbery; totalling approx. $75,000 USD. (This amount is the current value of items stolen, not the replacement value, that amount is more like approx. $250,000 USD to replace items with new). Recorded vessels robbed are:

Ob La Di- robbed 4 times total
Double Trouble
El Gecco- robbed 3 times
Miss Teak- robbed twice
Wind Walker-robbed 2 twice
Water Music
Joanna-robbed twice
Midnight Sun-Robbed twice
Alu By
Arctutus- robbed twice
Another Way
Sweet Caroline
Irish Whisper
Sea Change

33 Robberies over 35 months time. These are just the ones that were reported to us, several boats have left, therefore we are not sure if there are more unrecorded.

Out of the 33 robberies, only 1 arrest has been made, only 1 item was returned to the owner, even though photos of the thieves , during the robbery were given to the Authorities here and they admitted they knew who the robbers were. When robberies are reported to local Authorities, the victims are sent from local authoritative office to another, with no-one taking responsibility or seeking justice. No follow-up is ever done, no arrests ever made, no stolen items ever returned to the rightful owners. Most of the intruded vessels have now left Luperon, never to return. Every boating community they enter after leaving Luperon, they report how unsafe Luperon Harbour is and how the local Authorities do nothing to seek justice. They write on their cruising blogs, report to newspapers, magazines publishers, travel agencies and announce on SSB Radio, to warn cruisers to bypass the Dominican Republic all together.

Boaters in Luperon Harbour currently pay $25.00 USD per month for Harbour Fee's. There is no patrol boat, no guards stopping locals from entering vessels, and no help for return of stolen items. Just where does this monthly money go and to whom?

Luperon Harbour is clearing out fast, and soon Luperon town will only have the local economy to survive on.

** The Thieves on Ob La Di were photographed while robbing the vessel, 3 of the 4 times.....these photo's were given to the authorities, they admitted to knowing who they were, yet no arrests were ever made and no items were returned to the owners**
My sailing vessel Restless 34 foot was robbed twice in 2011. first they took 2 large solar panels then they were beck for 4 batteries and 2 radios.....sold it for scrap.....never been back


Jan 1, 2002
Several years ago, friends of mine sailed down from Canada and, against my recommendations, anchored in Luperon. Hired a captain, former Marina de Guera officer & highly recommended by the local MdG office to live aboard and maintain the boat. He stole the boat, sailed it to Turcs and Caicos "possible drug run" sank it. No arrests even though he was well known in the area.


Active member
Mar 8, 2011
I am distressed to hear this of Luperon - we have planned on bringing our boat there next yr, we will keep looking. thanks for the information.


Sep 19, 2010
Thanks for sharing the info. Did you think about hiring private 24/7 watchmen to guard the boats or is it impractical there? Shouldn't be too hard to watch over the remaining 30 boats.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
have everyone pay 30 us a month, the group of 25 boats should donate a dinghy plus engine, max cost 1500 - 2000 us and use the additional 5 us a month/boat for paying the patrols and gas.

i was there last weekend and theres at least 100 to 150 boats in luperon, lets say only half of them is paying the 25 us, take it 50 times 5 250 us, thats enough or close to monthly pay a guard to watch at night and gas for a small 5 hp outboard a month for patrolling. instead of spreading your anchorage trought the bay, keep them close together and security should not be an issue.

at the other side, if you are not a cheap sailor paying 25 us a month and still complaining, go to one of the 2 working marinas in luperon, pay your docking fee and security will be included. you also have to show it from that side, if you want to be as cheap as it gets, then that is what you get, if you pay for your docking like you would in most countries, you are just fine.


Jan 1, 2002
I am distressed to hear this of Luperon - we have planned on bringing our boat there next yr, we will keep looking. thanks for the information.
Don't know if things have changed but there was a time when no one would insure you if you intended on staying in the DR with your boat.


Apr 8, 2011
Boats in the marinas are also targeted so you're not safe anywhere in Luperon. Many boats are now heading straight to Ocean World and East Coast.


Active member
Mar 8, 2011
Insurance not an issue for us. we had planned on staying at the marina. we will be there for 2 weeks in Feb [not by boat this time]


Active member
Jun 28, 2008
I don’t want to discourage anyone from coming to Luperon. It is an interesting place and I have many great Dominican friends as well as others from all over the world. Folks come to Luperon and they either Love it, or hate it. There does not seem to be an in between. We loved it so much we became residents and bought our dream home on the ocean. But it is what it is. We are guest here and sometimes treated differently than the locals in many ways. The DR has it all, but is still a emerging 3rd world county and you have the problems that go along with that. Our boat has been moored in the harbor unattended for several years and as of this week, we have not had a break in. I think I may be the next in line! The cruising community here (long timers that live here permanently) have tried hard to work with the local Government in an effort to resolve these problems. I don’t know why nothing ever beneficial happens. They show concern….talk…and then nothing. It’s like they don’t care because we are “rich Gringos”….which we are not. Luperon is not a “Yachty Harbor” by any means. I do know that the Local Tourist official does NOT want to hear about all this, especially publicly. Just lip service. The discussion about putting together our own security service has been talked about, but we cannot require folks cruising through to participate. Us cruisers are a very “self reliant bunch” and we are here in the DR because of that. It’s a problem that begs a solution which I have no answer for.
On a side note this “insurance thing” about not being able to remain in the “hurricane zone” from around June through November. We finally just stop paying the thousands of dollars for this and became what you would call “self insured”. Luperon Harbor is probably the safest “hurricane hole” in the Caribbean and the odds of getting a “direct hit” are very small here on the north coast. That’s not the case on the east or south coast however.

Luperon Dweller

New member
Oct 2, 2012
Dom aka obvious Powerboater

have everyone pay 30 us a month, the group of 25 boats should donate a dinghy plus engine, max cost 1500 - 2000 us and use the additional 5 us a month/boat for paying the patrols and gas.

i was there last weekend and theres at least 100 to 150 boats in luperon, lets say only half of them is paying the 25 us, take it 50 times 5 250 us, thats enough or close to monthly pay a guard to watch at night and gas for a small 5 hp outboard a month for patrolling. instead of spreading your anchorage trought the bay, keep them close together and security should not be an issue.

at the other side, if you are not a cheap sailor paying 25 us a month and still complaining, go to one of the 2 working marinas in luperon, pay your docking fee and security will be included. you also have to show it from that side, if you want to be as cheap as it gets, then that is what you get, if you pay for your docking like you would in most countries, you are just fine.

Not all Sailors are "cheap" , just as not all Power Boaters are arrogant idiots!... the boats in the Luperon Marina's are no safer then the boats anchored or moored in the harbor. We all have to pay the 25.00 USD per month, even the boats in the Marina's, as none of the Marina's pay the appropriate authorities the fee's. Security at any of the Marina's is a joke, and sometimes we know they can easily be paid to look the other way. The only Marina here that has so called security, is Puerto Blanco. The docks are falling apart and full, there is no dock power safe to use and water is maybe on once a week. There are several sailboats and power boats on the list of robbed boats that were in the Marina's when the robbery happened. The Yacht Club is closed, as is the Marina there and Marina Tropical has no-one living aboard on any of the boats there on dock or in storage. The problem in Luperon harbor is lack of action from the has nothing to do with who has what income, or who spends the most money!


Aug 5, 2007
I cruised with my sailboat in crazy places around the world for several decades and never had a break-in on the boat.

But then, since I was uninsured, I took extra responsibility for my own protection and safety, moored with an eye to access routes, never had locals aboard my vessel, never discussed my boat or possessions while ashore, and never engaged in behavior which could lead to a set-up — and many books could be written about the latter.

What I always did do, however, was to mine my boat with LOUD alarms and BRIGHT detector lights so that even local fishermen swept a wide berth around by boat. In addition, I was very lucky for sure.


New member
Jul 27, 2012
Come on down to Samana! There has been a big change in security there. A new business is offering moorings and services, fluent in English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, owner Alfredo is a good character in my opinion. He built my 23'center consola panga over the summer and it all went suprisingly well. His family is from BVI Tortola but he is a native here with years of sailing and fishing experience. His security is provided 24/7 with the cooperation of the Marina de Guerra. It's a cool and unique situation. Samana Boatworks is the name of the evolvement of many years of boat building and servicing. PM me for more's a good thing!


New member
Jul 27, 2012
Try Samana. It has changed. New good Commandante. A local boatbuilder has opened services to cruisers including heavy duty moorings and all repair/maintenance services for most vessels. Samana Boatworks, Alfredo Benjamin, became a friend of mine after he built a gorgeous 23'center console panga for me last summer. Salt of the earth fellow and fluent in 5 languages including English. Look him up or pm me for more info. He has a unique setup with Marina de Guerra for security and is a yachtsman himself. Locally born and raised but of British Tortola decent. The guy is wired in Samana and can get anything done it seems. I continue to do other business with him.

James Burnett

New member
Dec 14, 2012
either the 12th 13th dec a trawler was robbed ad set on ire in luperon bay l have had my boat here approx 12 yrs been robbed twice lupeon is fine for very short says


New member
Jul 13, 2006
I had a person who said they where going to buy my boat and I let them stay on it while they made up their mind. They took off with thousands of dollar worth of equipment. He was from Australia so don't blame everything on Dominicans I also know of other times that it was other boater that robbed the boats and sold the stuff down island. I was anchored in the harbor for years and the only thinks I had stolen where by gringos.


Active member
Jun 28, 2008
either the 12th 13th dec a trawler was robbed ad set on ire in luperon bay l have had my boat here approx 12 yrs been robbed twice Lupeon is fine for very short says

YEah....that was MY boat James. They burned it on the 12th at about a $250,000 (US) loss to me. And I was just saying that I might be the next in line. There were 5 "reported" boat robberies that night. Don't ask how I feel about our loss. You already know. I can't say to much about what actions I am taking but we are working with officials outside of Luperon.......we do know who the thieves are as so does most of the Luperon locals. (Its quite a secret society).
Also it was mentioned here that there were some thefts over the years perpetuated by "non-Dominicans". This is also true.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2004
You already know. I can't say to much about what actions I am taking but we are working with officials outside of Luperon.......we do know who the thieves are as so does most of the Luperon locals. (Its quite a secret society).

I don't doubt that most of Luperon knows the thieves since I'm pretty sure everyone who lives there is related to each other I'm not sure that there's a secret society I would say that everybody is just family.
May 29, 2006
Prob the same couple of guys over and over again. This is the kind of thing Trujillo would have dealt with well. Take them out to a remote cane field and strip them naked as a "warning." Next time, they're shark food.