Looking for friend


Mary Kohn

Looking for friend in Esperanza.
Her name is Nancy M. Cruz-Torres (I don't know her married name).
Thanks in advance.

Busco una amiga en Esperanza.
Se llama Nancy M. Cruz-Torres (No se su nombre de casada).
Gracias de ante-mano.


Gee, Mary...is that your real name?
The locals use that name quite often as a noun.


I am sorry, but I also thought it was a joke (not your real name).

Mary Kohn

The chance you take when you leave the mainland

Okay everybody.
I really have heard that a million times before. I've been posting to this board for over a year, so it's taken y'all a long time to notice.

The thing is, when I was born, my parents didn't know that 13 years afterwards we would move to the DR so my dad could teach at U Ca Ma Ma (Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra)and we would learn Spanish, which has many other colorful 'nouns', as you well know. Nor could they imagine I would marry a great guy with the last name of Kohn, so they named me Mary. Either way, that taught me a very big lesson.

Having been an interpreter, translator and getting my degree in Spanish has been a great opportunity in life. At one time, at the University, I was one of 2 'marykones' in the Spanish Department. My husband's mother and sister are also named Mary. And his sister teaches Spanish for a living. ?Curioso? Working with foreign language software has given me insight that most gringos will never have.

My name is a great ice breaker and Spanish-speaking people never forget me! Unfortunately, over the internet, I don't have a chance to get to know _you_ BEFORE you learn my name and feel sorry for me. :) Or appreciate me.

When I chose my name in Japan, I used me-ri. Little did I know,..
Just kidding. I don't think it means anything embarrasing. And 'baca' strongly means stupid in Japanese.

So, now that you know my name, know that I have no problem being known as the 'marykohn' on the DR1 board.

For those board readers who are still learning Spanish, 'maricon' is probably something you've heard on every trip to the Dr. It means queer. But I'm definately not! :)

Now, can you help me find my friend?

She'll enjoy knowing what I've been doing since I was 13 too.

Mary Kohn

Re: You remember our little talk..way back? Hehehe

I can only imagine the looks on the faces of the girls who were doing the final preparation and packaging of the cigars when they were sent to Tokyo. I was wondering if you and your accountant have since recovered...