Inverter Question


Jul 9, 2009
I am in Bavaro, the power almost never goes... BUT when it does it hurts (yesterday it was gone the whole day b/c of maintenance). I can't afford this, I am loosing money even when it is gone "only" for a day. So, enough is enough.

Being not an expert I would like to know if an Inversor with 1500 kw with ? batteries would be enough to be able to give enough power for a full day (say: 12 hrs) for:

5 PCs, (1 high end gaming PC ), 6 Monitors (1x32, 2x27, 3x23), 2 fans, chromebook, modem, router, charging if needed: tablet, laptop, cell phones.

How many batteries I would need and is 1,5 kw enough? Not needed to run that all together but I would like to know what I need to be able too. :)

Thanks for input!


Jul 10, 2004
Lets say each PC uses 125 watts on average, each monitor uses 75 watts and the fans use 150 watts. The rest of your gear less than 200 watts. That is 575+450+300+200= 1,525. That would be pushing a 1.5 Kw inverter.

Best to go with a 2.5 Kw inverter and 4 or 8 batteries depending upon the length of your expected blackouts.