Hookers trash Sosua?s family-oriented tourism

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Dec 16, 2011
Sosua, Dominican Republic (hoy.com.do).- In one of the bars in front of Club 59 and the cafeteria Merengue, music is soft but the fervor is no longer felt in the upscale sector of El Batey, where prostitution has trashed many a family’s holiday dreams.

Those who want Sos?a to remain a small town full of dreams and fantastic evenings argue that businesses with ‘ladies of the night’ ruin family-oriented tourism, calling the block within Clisante and Rosen streets, wild and crazy.

A stark reminder of what was a residential area, only three family homes remain in the entire block, which today is home to 13 bars where women start arriving early mostly on moto-taxis and more than looking for a ‘trick’, dress in the latest fashions compete among themselves.


Turismo reconoce auge prostituci?n en Sos?a

Luego de reconocer que en los ?ltimos tiempos la prostituci?n se ha convertido en un creciente mal en Sosua, Puerto Plata, el director provincial de Turismo, Lorenzo Sancassani, dijo que es prioridad de todas las autoridades frenar el auge de este mal y de otros que, como el narcotr?fico, afectan la tranquilidad del municipio y el auge del turismo.

Admiti? que algunos propietarios de negocios han estado incentivando la prostituci?n como una forma de mantener sus establecimientos funcionando. Sin embargo, dijo que no son justificables esas acciones y que no ser?n permitidas.

Manifest? que junto a la comunidad, se toman todas las medidas necesarias para devolver a la comunidad y a sus visitantes la tranquilidad, apoyando las iniciativas y a los empresarios que s? quieren tener un comercio l?cito.

Expres? que se han realizando reuniones con el nuevo comandante policial de la zona y el director de Politur para trazar planes de acci?n que frenen el problema.

“El Ministerio de Turismo y la Procuradur?a est?n coordinando acciones para controlar el problema y garantizar un ambiente donde podamos retomar el turismo interno y familiar”, apunt? Sancassani.

Dijo que han iniciado las negociaciones para desarrollar la playa de Sos?a y se enfocan en el proyecto del Parque Marino, que hab?a estado estancado. Dijo que tambi?n dan especial atenci?n a la industria de buceo en la bah?a de Sos?a.

Enfatiz? que se proyecta la organizaci?n de importantes eventos y ferias internacionales como DATE 2013, celebrado en B?varo el mes pasado, para aumentar la afluencia de turistas.

Sancassani indic? quecoordinan con Politur, la Procuradur?a y la Polic?a Nacional para garantizar la seguridad de habitantes y turistas. Adem?s, cit? los trabajos de organizaci?n y reubicaci?n de los vendedores y la rotulaci?n de los taxistas para evitar los taxistas piratas, el desorden y la delincuencia.


Dec 16, 2011
Gotta wonder if all of this is a result of the recent visit by the minister of tourism

[h=2]Ministro de Turismo se re?ne con empresarios de Puerto Plata[/h]
El ministro de turismo Francisco Javier Garc?a, recibi? este mi?rcoles en su despacho a los dirigentes del sector tur?stico de la Costa Norte de la Rep?blica Dominicana, con quienes trat? diversos temas relacionados al sector.

Durante el encuentro, que se extendi? por m?s de tres horas, el ministro se comprometi? a organizar un plan de trabajo para el desarrollo del turismo en Puerto Plata.

Entre los presentes en el encuentro se destacaron los se?ores, M?ximo Iglesia, Presidente del Cl?ster Tur?stico y Cultural de Puerto Plata y Tomas Callender, Presidente de la Asociaci?n de Hoteles y Restaurantes de Sosua y Cabarete.


Mar 3, 2005
Okay, I don't wanna get in trouble here, but I've been in the DR for about 11 years now. I've never, not once, considered Sosua as a family-oriented destination. I dive into Sosua for Playero or to visit some friends and then I'm outta there. When was it family-oriented?


Jan 13, 2012
we do not need extra churches in this city but we are in need of more girls to preach the faith of sex. I love sex !!


Dec 16, 2011
Okay, I don't wanna get in trouble here, but I've been in the DR for about 11 years now. I've never, not once, considered Sosua as a family-oriented destination.
I think that is the point ... to clean things up and create an environment that is more conducive to family tourism.

One thing that might help is educating the girls about the health risks of unprotected oral sex, along with enforcing laws related to minors and vagrants.
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Oct 6, 2009
"only 3 family homes remain on the block"...so who cares. It's called moving forward and not living in the past. Changes happen and who the hell would want to live on pedro clisante at this moment???? Such stupid editorials


Mar 3, 2005
I think that is the point ... to clean things up and create an environment that is more conducive to family tourism.

One thing that might help is educating the girls about the health risks of unprotected oral sex, along with enforcing laws related to minors and vagrants.

Have you been to Boca Chica? That was a city which was (also) built around the sex trade. It's a ghost town now. Hopefully it will recover but in the meantime it is a complete "drive thru" for anyone.

While I completely agree with the sequestration (see how I did that?) of prostitution I also believe it is a step-wise approach that is needed. Remove the ladies from the streets and Sosua will be desolate. They should be removed, I agree with that, but a wiser approach is needed to ensure proper economic and moral infrastructure is built to prevent a rapid, and more aggressive, return.
Mar 2, 2008
"only 3 family homes remain on the block"...so who cares. It's called moving forward and not living in the past. Changes happen and who the hell would want to live on pedro clisante at this moment???? Such stupid editorials

Viajero obviously has an agenda here, Seamonkey, and Viajero's BS is getting viejo. If you read his past posts it's very easy to recognize what he is all about.

He apparently got his heartbroken on Pedro Clisante one day, and now he is on a redemption kick. I feel sorry for the guy. He just can't let it go, but I think it would be better for all concerned if he could learn to put it behind him and simply get over the past.

What happened at CMP has nothing to do with anything except someone forgot to make the correct payment at the proper time. The same thing happens every day in every city in the DR. I know it's shocking, but that's the way it is.

By the way, Viajero, if you don't change your modus operandi soon everyone is going to be on to your game. Your dislike for Sosua is evident, but you still have some fooled as to your motive. Grow up and grow a pair. At least be honest with yourself. You fell for the wrong girl and you're heart-broken. Get over it.


Sep 27, 2006
what we need is family oriented hos. like, maybe, happy meal, sosua style? serving the whole community? the brothels could have childcare option, with trained nursery staff to look after the children when parents are enjoying adult entertainment?
hosting baby showers with a stripper? the child is not there yet, it could be one last night of unadulterated fun for parents, amirite?
very entrepreneurial approach if you ask me...
Oct 13, 2003
As far as I'm aware prostitution is legal in the DR and a way many women seek to put food in the mouths of themselves and their babys, since there is a lack of jobs. One may not like it but that's the reality of the world.

So can anyone please explain to me:

1. Why prostitution should be prohibited (ie the law should be changed?)
2. What the prostitutes should do to earn money (remember they are mostly products of the DR education system)?
3. Who will create the alternative jobs to earn money and in what industry?
4. How to avoid massive death from hunger in the lower classes?

Remember that the DR prostitutes serve mostly Dominican clients - it is a Dominican thing, and yes there are many gringo's here that partake... but they do not constitute the market in the DR... they probably do constitute the market in Sosua though..


Dec 16, 2011
Yeah....some broken hearted whore monger turned preacher who has been reborn.

Does that come with Fries?

"broken hearted"? Funny coming from someone that knows nothing about me. Perhaps I'm not an old "has been" that has no recourse other than to pay young girls in the street for sex. Probably, a concept you will never understand.


Jul 9, 2010
Sosua has been the Sodum of the DR for years. Barring a volcano wiping out the town don't see Sosua transforming itself to a becoming "family" oriented.


the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Sosua has been the Sodum of the DR for years. Barring a volcano wiping out the town don't see Sosua transforming itself to a becoming "family" oriented.


what attractions does Sosua have that would lure a guy from Fargo, North Dakota to travel all those miles to see? oh..i forgot. it has a beach...sillly me.


Nov 9, 2006
As far as I'm aware prostitution is legal in the DR and a way many women seek to put food in the mouths of themselves and their babys, since there is a lack of jobs. One may not like it but that's the reality of the world.

So can anyone please explain to me:

1. Why prostitution should be prohibited (ie the law should be changed?)
2. What the prostitutes should do to earn money (remember they are mostly products of the DR education system)?
3. Who will create the alternative jobs to earn money and in what industry?
4. How to avoid massive death from hunger in the lower classes?

Remember that the DR prostitutes serve mostly Dominican clients - it is a Dominican thing, and yes there are many gringo's here that partake... but they do not constitute the market in the DR... they probably do constitute the market in Sosua though..

Good points (especially 2 and 3), and somebody "might" come into power at some point and address them. Not holding my breath, but it could happen.

But you have to admit, Pedro Clisante has become a pigsty. I was downtown the other nite and saw a guy ****ing into a corner and policia in the streets with M16's. If by a chance a family does plan a Sosua vacation, they won't be back after seeing any of that. That's not an atmosphere you take your kids into.

Sosua needs to implement Zoning. It could be done and everybody's happy. I could do it with my eyes closed. You could have an "adult zone" off by itself. You can say what they got now is fine, but it really isn't. If you think it is, go out and talk to small business owners. They need a lot more traffic thru the door. It ain't happening right now.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Good points (especially 2 and 3), and somebody "might" come into power at some point and address them. Not holding my breath, but it could happen.

But you have to admit, Pedro Clisante has become a pigsty. I was downtown the other nite and saw a guy ****ing into a corner and policia in the streets with M16's. If by a chance a family does plan a Sosua vacation, they won't be back after seeing any of that. That's not an atmosphere you take your kids into.

Sosua needs to implement Zoning. It could be done and everybody's happy. I could do it with my eyes closed. You could have an "adult zone" off by itself. You can say what they got now is fine, but it really isn't. If you think it is, go out and talk to small business owners. They need a lot more traffic thru the door. It ain't happening right now.

what exactly was the guy doing into a corner? was he taking a whizz? if that is the answer, then the entire DR would have no tourists, since every male here seems to take a leak anywhere he can plant his feet.
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