Politur Station On Sosua Beach?


Jan 1, 2002
From today's Sosua News:

[h=5]The Brigadier General of the tourist police, Rafael Amilcar Fern?ndez Tejada made, during a visit to Sos?a, the proposal to construct a police station at the beach of Sos?a. The Brigadier General wants to improve the service level for the benefit of tourism. He believes that by the presence of a police station the safety of tourists is better guaranteed. Five years ago, there was an attempt to give the bay a protected environmentally responsible status (parque submarino). For this there was initiated at the entrance of the bay the construction of an interpretative center. That project failed and the center was never finished. The General now wants to finish the construction of this building and make it suitable as a police station for the tourist police.[/h]
[h=5]Politur wants a police station at the beach[/h] [h=5]Also Major Francisco A. Rodr?guez Rodr?guez, (he has the daily management of the Politur corps in Sos?a), could fully supports this plan and thinks thereby he can better and faster respond to irregularities on the beach.[/h]