Good Foot Specialist?

I think I may have Plantar Fasciitis on one foot. I have noticed pain for a while but being back home it is really painful as in I can barely walk on it. Argg get me out of this cold weather!!

I will go wherever in DR for a GOOD specialist. NC is closest, does anyone know of any good ones?
May 29, 2006
Try changing which shoes you wear. I get foot probs once in a while from cooking and usually a new pair shoes takes care of it in about a week. I've had sciatica and I think fasciitis. Felt like a needle going up into my heel.


Aug 25, 2013
Hey HR,

No, doubt its that, that there is usually a sports injury from like football, hard to tear just being human.. ,) Most likely the flip flop thingy, I get that too and when I put my sneakers on,,oh baby!! like heaven, huge difference feels so much better. Buy some high end flops or sandals that provide support..Also check the heel of your sneakers or whatever you wear the most of, see how the heel looks, usually shows how you walk and is worn on one side of the heel, try to focus more on your steps if it is..


Jul 9, 2010
If indeed you have that than get some sneakers that give you really good support. I had that and you just have to give it time. When you get up in the morning stretch your tendons and muscles in the foot and leg before walking. Once the foot has warmed up you will move better. This could take up to a couple of months to heal. Stay off the foot as much as possible.



Jan 2, 2002
Dr.. Miguel Ort?z
Centro Dominicano de Podolog?a
Calle Emilio Morel No.17-A, Ens. La F?
Ens. La Fe
Santo Domingo
Tel.: 809-562-2005
he is the best in this country.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Shouldn't you be looking for a "bad foot" specialist?

One thing to consider is that you may naturally twist your foot, as mentioned, which is called pronation. Inserts in shoes can correct that pronation. It shows up as uneven wear on the your shows and can cause stress to your feet. It is very hard to consciously do that yourself.

True! There is a great line of shoes that I wear called Orthoheel. I have about 10 different pair of sandals that I wore last summer, and when I put on my closed shoes in November I had excruciating pain in one heel. Doc says combo of heel/bone spur and plantar fasciatis. Stretching exercises helped a lot, so did heat and ice, but the shoes made all the difference.


Dec 11, 2003
Ditto AE.. both the bone spur and the plantar faciaistis.. which is often caused by the bone spur.. AND the Orthoheel.. You can get them from Zappos.. or directly from Orthoheel.

I had the problem first years ago and went to a foot doctor (podiatrist) in the States who did the Xray and found the spur and gave me cortisone injections.. which were a blessed relief. But after six - he said that was all he could give. The next step was surgery. Really all you can do it wear the good shoes and rest your feet.

I got better and forgot about it. Had a flare up about five months ago - wearing bad sneakers on pavement.
I got the Orthoheels at a time when when I was almost in tears from just walking a few steps.

Get the Orthoheel flip flops.. !!!

Also.. take ibuprophin.. and freeze and water bottle and roll your foot over it at night.. those are the things that helps.

Don't think that it has anything to do with the cold weather.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Ditto AE.. both the bone spur and the plantar faciaistis.. which is often caused by the bone spur.. AND the Orthoheel.. You can get them from Zappos.. or directly from Orthoheel.

I had the problem first years ago and went to a foot doctor (podiatrist) in the States who did the Xray and found the spur and gave me cortisone injections.. which were a blessed relief. But after six - he said that was all he could give. The next step was surgery. Really all you can do it wear the good shoes and rest your feet.

I got better and forgot about it. Had a flare up about five months ago - wearing bad sneakers on pavement.
I got the Orthoheels at a time when when I was almost in tears from just walking a few steps.

Get the Orthoheel flip flops.. !!!

Also.. take ibuprophin.. and freeze and water bottle and roll your foot over it at night.. those are the things that helps.

Don't think that it has anything to do with the cold weather.

Not the cold weather per se Annie - was that it got cold and I couldn't wear the flip flops/sandals any more!!!!


May 22, 2004
Once you treat the feet and get the right shoes you need to look after the shoes.

Luckily you're in a country full of footwear specialists. :D


Some of Dee Ah Won's more prominent posters can put such a shine on a sneaker that I'll bet they started out as limpia botas.
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No, it was HR who was complaining about the cold weather, I thought.. And Orthoheel makes closed shoes, as well...

Thanks MA. I don't think it has to do with the cold weather really, I am just in so much pain all over my body b/c of the weather at home. The DR makes my back pain/hip pain pretty non existent! We moved for the Wife's pain but damn I don't want to ever move back to cold again! I am done and it isn't even that cold here!!

TY all for your suggestions!


Jul 10, 2004
You are welcome. Just trying to make sure you get off on the right foot with this problem.