pet friendly hotel in SD

Rep Dom

Dec 27, 2011
Hi anyone knows a fine pet friendly hotel in SD, if possible not too far from the migracion office
PS: I'll have my cat with me...
We stayed at the Renaissance Jaragua Hotel and Casino, our Lawyer suggested it when we were going to apply for Residency. We took my Chihuahua with us and since he stayed in his bag and didn't make a peep, I wasn't charged the pet fee. I think it was only $50 anyways.

Decent enough hotel, I would recommend it for sure.


Sep 27, 2006
a cat? if you are only going away for a night or two it may be better to leave it at home with lots of food, water and a clean box. my cats could probably deal with being in a new, strange place but god knows that when i drive them to the vet they sing the song of their people on the loop, very loud. the volume goes significantly up when they defecate from stress and only ever stops when they vomit. i hope you don't have to go through that...