Canoa found not guilty


Jul 10, 2004
Asociaciones Cabarete y Sos?a solicitan apelaci?n descargo a Canoa
August 26, 2014 | Filed under: Noticias | Posted by: caba8255
Eddy Morfe, Canoa, Maricela Martinez

Eddy Morfe, Canoa

CABARETE.- Las asociaciones empresariales tur?sticas de esta comunidad y Sos?a solicitaron al Procurador General de la Rep?blica que apele la decisi?n del tribunal colegiado de Puerto Plata que descarg? a Gabriel Mora (Canoa) y a
Eddy Morfe de la acusaci?n de malversaci?n de $189 millones mientras dirigieron la Junta Distrital de Cabarete.

En la audiencia de este lunes 21 de agosto la corte encabezada por las juezas Rosa Francia Liriano, Irina Ventura y Venecia Rojas, fall? en favor de los imputados argumentando que la Procuradur?a General de la Rep?blica no hab?a presentado pruebas suficientes para declarar culpable a los imputados.

Los presidentes de la Asociaci?n para el Desarrollo de Cabarete (ADECA), Michel Gay-Crosier; de la Asociaci?n de Hoteles de Sos?a y Cabarete (ASHORESOCA), Tomas Callender; y de la Asociaci?n para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Sos?a (ADSS), Andr?s Gustavo Pastoriza, pidieron adem?s, que el proceso de apelaci?n sea llevado a una corte fuera de Puerto Plata, ?donde los jueces hist?ricamente han actuado de manera benevolente con el ex director municipal de Cabarete?.

La declaraci?n se?ala que durante todo el proceso fue evidente el trato complaciente, tanto en el juicio preliminar como en el de fondo, con la aceptaci?n de reenv?os provocados por excusas sin fundamento, desde la declaraci?n de insolvencia de Canoa que cancel? sus abogados por no tener recursos para pagarlos, pasando por los certificados de enfermedad que Canoa y Morfe presentaron en turnos sucesivos, hasta el ?ltimo reenv?o por el alegato del abogado de Canoa de que le dol?a la cabeza. Adem?s, explican, ha creado dudas e incertidumbre el que desde junio pasado los defensores y amigos de Canoa y Morfe aseguraban en p?blico que el descargo de ambos imputados estaba ?arreglado? y quedar?an libres por insuficiencias de prueba y fallas graves en la acusaci?n. Pastoriza, Gay-Crosier y Callender se?alan al Procurador, Francisco Dom?nguez Brito, que aceptar tal decisi?n y no apelar sacando el proceso de Puerto Plata, ser?a una se?al negativa, y dar la raz?n a quienes afirman que en Rep?blica Dominicana es in?til enfrentar la corrupci?n y la malversaci?n de los recursos p?blicos.


Jan 21, 2006
are we suprised? More Dominican justice. I just love it when gringos come on here morally outraged over some perceived injustice and want to go to the Dominican lawyers for pay back. Ill show you, I will get a lawyer and go to court.


Jan 21, 2006
Never get your hopes up in this country. I learned this as a newbie when the electricity was out for what seemed like ages then finally came on to everyones cheers only to go out again in one minute for an even longer time.


Apr 1, 2009
Translated with Bing.....For the non Spanish readers

CABARETE-the tourist community associations and Sosua requested the Attorney General to appeal the decision of the Collegiate Court of Puerto Plata that was downloaded to Gabriel Mora (canoe) and

Eddy Morfe of the accusation of embezzlement of $189 million while headed the District Board of Cabarete.

At the hearing of this Monday, August 21 the Court headed by the judges rose France Liriano, Irina Ventura & Venice red, ruled in favour of the accused arguing that the Attorney General of the Republic had not provided sufficient evidence to convict the accused.

The Presidents of the Association for the development of Cabarete (ADECA), Michel Gay-Croisier; Association of hotels of Sosua and Cabarete (ASHORESOCA), Tomas Callender; and of the Association for the sustainable development of Sos?a (ADSS), Andr?s Gustavo Pastoriza, also asked that the appeal process is led to a cut off Puerto Plata, "where judges historically have acted in a benevolent manner with former municipal director of Cabarete".

The Declaration points out that throughout the process was evident indulgent treatment, both in the preliminary trial and in the background, with the acceptance of gearboxes caused by groundless excuses, since the Declaration of insolvency of canoe that canceled their lawyers for not having resources to pay for them, passing through certificates of illness that canoe and Morphe presented in shiftsup to the last forwarding by the allegation of lawyer canoe that hurt the head. In addition, they explain, it has created doubts and uncertainty that since June the supporters and friends of canoe and Morphe claimed in public that the release of both accused was "arranged" and would free for test shortcomings and serious faults in the indictment. Pastoriza, Gay-Croisier and Callender point to the Attorney, Francisco Dom?nguez Brito, accept such a decision and no appeal by removing the process of Puerto Plata, would be a negative signal, and give reason to those who say that it is useless to confront corruption and embezzlement of public funds in Dominican Republic.


May 3, 2000
A summary was published in DR1 Daily News on Wednesday 27 August 2014 in English already!

Appeal sought for case against Canoa in Cabarete
Tourism business organizations in Cabarete and Sosua are urging Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito to appeal against a decision by a court in Puerto Plata that has discharged Gabriel Mora (Canoa) and Eddy Morfe of accusations of corruption involving RD$189 million in the local government of Cabarete.

During the hearing on Monday, 21 August 2014, judges Rosa Francia Liriano, Irina Ventura and Venecia Rojas said that the arguments presented by the Attorney General did not contain sufficient proof to declare the accused guilty.

The leaders of the Cabarete Development Association (ADECA), Michel Gay-Crossier, the Sosua and Cabarete Hotel Association (ASHORESOCA) Tomas Callender and the Sosua Sustainable Development Association Andres Gustavo Pastoriza said that the appeal should be heard in a court outside of Puerto Plata. They said that historically, judges in Puerto Plata have ruled leniently in favor of the former municipal director of Cabarete. They expressed doubts after defenders and friends of Canoa and Morfe declared publicly that their discharge had been "arranged" and that they would be released on grounds of insufficient evidence.

The accusation against Canoa and Morfe was presented by Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito in February 2013 for serious damage to the Laguna de Cabarete, along with other charges.

Read more in Spanish: Asociaciones piden a Dom?nguez Brito apelar sentencia que descarga a Canoa de acusaci?n corrupci?n - Acento - El m?s ?gil y moderno diario electr?nico de la Rep?blica Dominicana


Jan 21, 2006
short version. He got off on a technicality. Guilty as sin but slipped away again. Hard to nail down the greasy bugger. Worst of all he is armed and dangerous.


Mar 17, 2013
not surprised at all, even won a nice bet that he would never be charged.
You watch him... he will retake his mayorship...


Jul 10, 2004
Home ? Featured ?There is NO shame to Canoa who is running again as a candidate for mayor in Cabarete for 2016-2020
By caba8255 on April 9, 2015.

Canoe sign to run for trustee
Canoe sign to run for trustee
The audit of the accounts presented irregularities chamber for more than 180 million pesos against Eddy Morfe and Gabriel Mora alias Canoa. We know that the justice of Puerto Plata not work with corrupt and downloaded it in the first instance. There was also a "will not place" in the charge of falsification of public documents. Canoeing is another example that shows that justice does not work. A canoe could put dozens of complaints for irregularities in its management. After invading for years Choco National Park, hundreds of millions of pesos of the district board of Cabarete disappeared. Investors disappeared extortion use canoes on the right soil in construction. There was the example of the outrageous decision "has no place" of the 2 Felix and Cabarete has the same canoe with a partial justice Puerto Plata do not want to act.

Dominguez Brito, Attorney General of the Dominican Republic filed a demurrer against the judges of the court of Puerto Plata by the influence of the former president of the court of appeal in Puerto Plata who defends Canoe and all important politicians accused of corruption. There is still no decision of the supreme court in relation to the plea. If the plea is accepted, it would mean that the trial would be sent elsewhere as Santiago. Otherwise, we have to have much luck with the appellate court of Puerto Plata.

Right now, Canoa is acting as if you have already regulated all his problems with the law or will fix it soon. That says people near Canoa and added that everything is solved with money.

Are we going to I find back hundreds of checks without supports, appropriation of state assets, bills caliche by millions without pulling, purchase of goods manufactured invoices, purchase of land without title, loans made ​​by the brother himself to an interest rate exorbitant without a contract and without the amount deposited in the account, contract asphalt without asphalt, forged signatures, ghosts contracts, extortion investors with the right soil threats appear?
Is that the community wants Cabarete?

Already, several foreign contacted ADECA and showed fear of seeing Canoa is running again. They do not understand that yet Canoa continues its aspirations with all the damage done Canoe Cabarete. If you listen Canoa, it is man's good and honest as Cabarete counted and there was never malfeasance in their management. Soon we will have a new saint in the calendar: Holy Canoa.

In the coming weeks, we will present several cases of mismanagement made in the management of Canoa.

To us, the title of the sign that says "Return the best" sounds more like "Return the best corrupt"


Mar 17, 2013
In hindsight Canoas corruption was not that bad compared to the grandstanding power hungry envidious expats that are now running Cabarete.
Canoa thrived on the development and took his cash the Dominican way.., these expat terrorists now hide behind false environmentalism and destroyed the investment confidence. The latest stunt was stop development of a much needed easy by pass road on the edge of the lagoon.


Oct 29, 2010
In hindsight Canoas corruption was not that bad compared to the grandstanding power hungry envidious expats that are now running Cabarete.
Canoa thrived on the development and took his cash the Dominican way.., these expat terrorists now hide behind false environmentalism and destroyed the investment confidence. The latest stunt was stop development of a much needed easy by pass road on the edge of the lagoon.

Can't agree that Canoa wasn't that bad, but who are you referring to as expat terrorists? And when was the (much needed, I agree) by-pass abandoned? I never heard about that. I thought it was an edict from President Danilo.


Jul 10, 2004
In hindsight Canoas corruption was not that bad compared to the grandstanding power hungry envidious expats that are now running Cabarete.
Canoa thrived on the development and took his cash the Dominican way.., these expat terrorists now hide behind false environmentalism and destroyed the investment confidence. The latest stunt was stop development of a much needed easy by pass road on the edge of the lagoon.

Funniest post today on DR1. Should be in the clown bin.


Jun 5, 2010
Looks like Fredo didn't attend the public hearing of the proposed bypass project. There were at least 160 Cabarete residents present. The vast majority of those present were Dominicans, from humble barrio residents to well off business men who have lived here for decades. And everyone who spoke expressed concern about the potential environmental impact and the total lack of any environmental impact study. The expat Fredo has no interest in the environment or the sustainable development of Cabarete, but apparently many of the Dominicans who live here do. The Vice Minister of Tourism stated in the meeting that Danilo would hear about the opinions from the community. He did, and he put a hold on the project until the environmental concerns of the community can be addressed. Fredo's nostalgia for the days when a developer could buy local approval to violate virtually any law or regulation is really besides the point. It is national authorities that put a stop to the environmental destruction in La Boca and it is national authorities that will determine how and when Cabarete gets a bypass.


Oct 29, 2010
The sad thing if the by-pass project is abandoned is that with it will go the proposed re-development of the main street, which is desperately needed. I could be wrong but the rumour I heard is that the reason the main street was never cleaned up, given decent lighting and generally made more people-friendly in the past is that a certain ex-mayor pocketed all the money that was intended for the purpose. That mayor is currently seeking re-election.


Jun 5, 2010
There was a time when the Ministry of Tourism looked like it was ready to proceed with the funding of the project for the main street in the center, but they needed the concurrence of Canoa. What I heard was that Canoa insisted that the funds pass through him, and given Canoa's reputation that was not acceptable to the Ministry. Even if there hadn't been that obstacle, there was the issue that the center redevelopment project was always linked to a bypass, in large part because the project contemplated widening the side walks, and narrowing the street and paving it with adoquines (paving stones). This was part of making the main street pedestrian friendly and no longer suitable for serving as part of the coastal highway for heavy traffic. The case was made that if parking were prohibited on both sides of the street and the conversion of the street to adoquines was left until after a bypass was in (a street paved with adoquines doesn't hold up well under heavy truck traffic) the center redevelopment project could proceed without the bypass. That argument did not prevail, and became moot once funding was in place for the bypass.
P.S. Tomorrow the current mayor Raquel Sierra will be leading a delegation to meet with the Minister of Environment to discuss next steps regarding the bypass, including discussion of alternative designs and routes. Contrary to what Fredo claimed, the plan presented by the contractor did not just follow the edge of the lagoon, but traversed through the lagoon cutting off the portion of the lagoon between Callejon de la Loma and the tip of ProCab, built on fill, not pylons.


Jul 10, 2004
visitante, thank you for the update.
Is there a map showing exactly where the bypass is to go (or at least proposed routes)?
What do you think the odds are that it will actually be completed?