Bus transportation to Santo Domingo



Is there a direct bus from Cabarete to Santo Domingo? How close is the bus terminal to old Santo Domingo? We will be traveling in mid January 2002. Will there be any difficulty getting a hotel room in old Santo Domingo for a night or two without prior reservations? Thanks in advance for your help.


No, but a 7 minute ride will get you one.

The Caribe Tours buses leave Sosua all day long, as I understand it. You can check it out, since it is on the main road to Cabarete when you go or come to/from the airport. It is in "Charamicos",just ask anyone for "Caribe Tour?" And they will point it out. And click below



For your traveling dates I don't think you'll have any problem getting a Hotel in Santo Domingo.

"The Tourist Watcher"

Re: Hillbilly right..and stay away from cabs

Caribe Tours is the way to go and frankly this and other national modern bus lines meeting Greyhound quality are making our country a better place to live. As some may know Major bus lines are facing stiff resistance from both voladora, taxi and independent transportation syndicates with support from socialist left wing government transportation Czar T. Rosario to their expansion in all national routes. This is an affront to private enterprise and free commerce. We should all use these modern bus lines, which not only offer comfort, safety,courteous service, fine bus stations and ticket outlets, timely service and incredible prices. Stay away from cab drivers unless they drive a 1999 or newer model car with insurance and a respectable firm behind it. There are very few of these. Plus you will get gypped.