wedding documents

Rep Dom

Dec 27, 2011
Hola, what are the legal documents a foreigner needs to get married to a dominican girl here?


Jul 27, 2011
Hola, what are the legal documents a foreigner needs to get married to

?Cu?les son los requisitos para un matrimonio civil?*

Los requisitos son los siguientes:


A)*C?dulas de Identidad de los contrayentes.

B)*Acta de Divorcio (si han sido casados anteriormente).

C)*Acta de Defunci?n (si se tratare de un viudo o viuda).

D)*Acta de Nacimientos de los contrayentes.

E)*Dos (2) testigos por lo menos. De los testigos, dos (2) por lo menos no pueden ser familia o parientes directa o colateralmente hasta el tercer grado inclusive de los contrayentes.

F)*Si tienen hijos en com?n acta de nacimiento (estos deben estar previamente reconocidos).

"I)*En los casos de extranjeros, acta de nacimiento, pasaporte, si el mismo est? en castellano y consigna el estado civil como soltero(a) no es obligatoria la presentaci?n de la constancia de solter?a. Para los dem?s casos, constancia de solter?a expedida por el Registro Civil del pa?s de origen o residencia de ?stos. Esta constancia de declaraci?n debe estar legalizada por la autoridad consular dominicana acreditada al lugar donde fue expedida. Si el documento no est? escrito en castellano debe ser traducido por un int?rprete judicial y legalizado por la Procuradur?a General de la Rep?blica y la Secretar?a de Relaciones Exteriores. En algunos casos la traducci?n puede ser hecha en el mismo Consulado Dominicano. Algunas Delegaciones Diplom?ticas acreditadas en territorio dominicano reciben la declaraci?n de solter?a de sus ciudadanos. En el caso de los ciudadanos extranjeros cuyo pa?s de origen y residencia no tiene relaciones diplom?ticas con la Rep?blica Dominicana, esta declaraci?n de solter?a puede ser hecha ante un notario p?blico dominicano, debiendo estar legalizada por la Procuradur?a General de la Rep?blica.*"

En los casos de ciudadanos Italianos, no debe dispensarse el edicto, debiendo fijarse el mismo en lugar visible de la Oficial?a tres (3) d?as antes, por lo menos a la fecha en que se celebrar? el matrimonio. Se levantar? una constancia en ese sentido.

Celebraci?n de matrimonio en la Oficial?a del Estado Civil ...RD$ 3,000.00
Celebraci?n de matrimonio en la Oficial?a cuando los contrayentes son extranjeros residentes ...RD$ 3,000.00
Celebraci?n de matrimonio fuera de la Oficial?a del Estado Civil ...RD$ 10,000.00
Celebraci?n de matrimonio en la Oficial?a cuando uno de los contrayentes es extranjero no residente ...RD$ 10,000.00
Celebraci?n de matrimonio fuera de la Oficial?a cuando los contrayentes son extranjeros residentes ...RD$ 10,000.00
Celebraci?n de matrimonio fuera de la Oficial?a cuando uno de los contrayentes es extranjero no residente ...RD$ 15,000.00
Celebraci?n de matrimonio cuando los contrayentes son extranjeros no residentes ...RD$ 20,000.00

?Cu?les son los requisitos para un matrimonio civil?


New member
Mar 13, 2012
Don't do it. If you do, get a pre-nup agreement!

If you do get a pre-nuptial, make sure you take it to and register it at the Estado Civil before or at the wedding itself. Dont trust your lawyer to do it for ;you.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Im not doing anything, just wondering...

Wonders is what get's guys Married.
'cause once married, the Wonder soon how they could fall in such trapp
and Wonder how the heck they can get out of Dodge now???
hey, 8 Ex-Wifes and counting, Trust me, to get married is finally a Act of Wonders.
oooh, just out of the Book of da Fisherman: it really helps when she is richer than you are, she will be later on anyways, as part of the Wonders, so you don't loose too much on the Wonder-Fee.

good luck
you will need that


R?mulo P?rez

New member
Feb 10, 2015
Don't do it. If you do, get a pre-nup agreement!

Most of all, if you do marry her, DON'T bring her to the U.S., ever.
Live with her in the DR and tell her you have no plans of taking her to the U.S.

If she still wants to marry after that then she's likely not an "interesada".
Most of all, if you do marry her, DON'T bring her to the U.S., ever.
Live with her in the DR and tell her you have no plans of taking her to the U.S.

If she still wants to marry after that then she's likely not an "interesada".

I couldn't agree more. I'm married to a Dominican woman and during the three years we were together before marrying I told her numerous times right from the start that if she wanted to go the U.S. one day that I'm not the one she wants to be with because there's no way I'll ever take her there. She said she's okay with that and has thus far never changed her mind. Her mother moved to Spain years ago and acquired Spanish citizenship so she has that option via her mother.
Aside from making visits to family in the U.S. once in a while, I have no intention of living there again.


Jul 27, 2011
I couldn't agree more. I'm married to a Dominican woman and during the three years we were together before marrying I told her numerous times right from the start that if she wanted to go the U.S. one day that I'm not the one she wants to be with because there's no way I'll ever take her there. She said she's okay with that and has thus far never changed her mind. Her mother moved to Spain years ago and acquired Spanish citizenship so she has that option via her mother.
Aside from making visits to family in the U.S. once in a while, I have no intention of living there again.

This is kind of sad! But hey, this is not the Mars and Venus Forum. The op just wanted some specific info.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Got me beat by 3. I've only been married 5 times so far, but I'm not 69 years old yet either, not for another 90 days.

don't worry about me winning on one point.
for that you beat me on the age by almost 20, haha.

as for the Visa for the wife discussion:
why would a Man not bring his Wife, of what ever nationality, bring to his country of birth to show here where he comes from??? o.k., if you guys get married after knowing the Gal just since a few weeks(weekend nights), well, then you may need to take precautions of such, lol.


Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
According to Law 544-14, in force since December 2014, spouses may choose the property issues in their marriage to be governed by the laws of (a) the country of their nationality, (b) the country of their present domicile, or (c) the country where they will reside after the marriage.