Road from Pedernales to Duverge

Jul 16, 2016
I am traveling from Santo Domingo to Barahona on caribe tours bus in 3 weeks. Then I am taking a local bus from
Barahona to Pedernales. I wish to know if there are local buses that travel from Pedernales north to Duverge. Also
what is the road like (hwy 541)? Is it paved all the way? How often to the buses run? What is the cost? I
thought I would travel back to Santo Domingo via Duverge. Does the Jimani to Santo Domingo Caribe Tours bus
stop in Duverge? If not, where can I get on the Jimani to Santo Doingo Caribe Tours bus? Will these buses be full



Apr 11, 2013
There are no buses that go on the 541 ! Only motorcycles or maybe the odd crazy truck because it is not paved and the road is horrible and it would probably take you 8 hrs to travel it. All traffic goes through barahona from duverge to get to pedernales. I am pretty sure the caribe tours bus does not stop in duverge but it does in barahona.

I lived in duverge for 1.5 years and nobody travelled to pedernales on the 541! Not even my friends with bikes!



New member
Feb 15, 2015
Does anyone know if the road is still that bad?
Did anyone did the trip Pedernales-Duverge on the 541?
Is there a little bit of traffic at least to the different villages so one could maybe hitchhike from village to village and this way get from Pedernales to Duverge?
Thank you!


Active member
Jan 29, 2013
Does anyone know if the road is still that bad?
Did anyone did the trip Pedernales-Duverge on the 541?
Is there a little bit of traffic at least to the different villages so one could maybe hitchhike from village to village and this way get from Pedernales to Duverge?
Thank you!

I have done that road with a couple of friends. I lost a bit of blood on a really weird bridge that looks like it has sunk and curved. The guy with a 250 got up the hard bit but we couldn't. There is a guy who grows avocados who has a stock of gasolina and a couple of military posts. At one post the young guys came running out begging for money saying that they were starving, at the next the older military guy with a rifle charged us 100 pesos each for being on that beautiful road and we screamed past the last one as fast as we could. It took all day and the pica pollo in Duverge was a great sight. We got stuck at one point and a load of Haitians appeared out of the trees and helped us luckily.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Does anyone know if the road is still that bad?
Did anyone did the trip Pedernales-Duverge on the 541?
Is there a little bit of traffic at least to the different villages so one could maybe hitchhike from village to village and this way get from Pedernales to Duverge?
Thank you!

Do not do it. It is not even really a road. We tried. Every time the road got bad, or smaller and we stopped to ask someone if we were going in the right direction, they told us we could not get to Lago Enriquillo from there. They said go back around to Barahona.
That was about three years ago.