Consumer protections bans ice and water brands


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
I came across this a few months ago but don?t recall seeing any discussion about it
here on DR1. Since the initial report, the media has been very quiet about the brands
to beware of. I know a few people who have been sick several times from drinking bottled
water down here. Perhaps this article explains how this could happen more than once.

Consumer protections bans ice and water brands.

Santo Domingo.- The consumer protection agency Proconsumidor on Thursday announced it
has banned the sale of several bottled water and ice brands which failed to meet quality standards.

The brands are Hielo y Agua Ileana, Agua Comunitaria de los Santos, Agua H2O, Agua Bryan Ice,
Agua Genuina, Agua Constelaci?n, Distribuidora de Hielo, Agua Cristo Rey and Alejo Hielo.

The agency said those products have been banned in the entire country in compliance with the
Consumer Protection Law.

ProConsumidor director Anina Del Castillo said te test samples sent to laboratories yielded results
such as aerobic mesophilic bacteria, total coliform E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which pose
a health risk. ?These microorganisms can produce a profile of diseases ranging from stomach pains,
vomiting and diarrhea to aggravating preexisting health conditions.?

Source: Dominican Today July 22, 2016


Jan 21, 2006
Consumer protection in the DR, what a novel idea that the government should operate in a fashion to protect the governef. Gosh, whats next, birth control taught in schools? This is refreshing