Domicen constructing solar plant in Palenque


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Our neighbors in DR, the giant cement company Domicen, are building a solar power plant in Palenque.


DOMICEM starts the construction of a solar power plant

By OMAR FURMENTDate: November 15, 2017

SAN CRISTOBAL.- The company DOMICEM gave the first punch for the construction of a photovoltaic solar plant of 1,500 KWP, in the town of Sabana Grande de Palenque, as part of its sustainability actions, which will be expanded to 6,000 KWP in a second phase.

The project will include the installation of 4,616 solar panels of 325 Wp, 49 inverters of the SMA brand with a capacity of 25.00 KWn, and which will produce about 2,286,305 Kwh of clean energy, which represents that DOMICEM stops consuming about 56,175 gallons of fuel per year, when replacing conventional energy with solar energy.

His vice-president, Osvaldo Oller, expressed that they have assumed the commitment of investing towards a cleaner country, "and this is why our production focuses more and more on the reduction of emissions".

He explained that since 2013 the company has launched different initiatives in this direction.

"In addition to the construction of this photovoltaic project, in 2013 we signed a contract with Ege Haina to consume clean energy, produced through the wind at the Los Cocos Wind Farm, later we installed a new Vertical Mill that reduces by more than 10 % energy consumption, "he said.

The solar plant will produce an environmental saving of 1,455,690 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, equivalent to the fact that the company will plant 48,523 trees.

The director of the National Energy Commission, Juan Rodríguez Nina and the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Superintendence of Electricity, Cesar Augusto Prieto, as well as Adriano Brunetti, director of DOMICEM and other executives of the Cement company.

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