Better to reach for the moon than sit arround and complain

mark porter

New member
Jun 14, 2002
For those that have nothing better to do in life but sit arround and critisize Pan Am I feel sorry. for Pan Am's strategy of using the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC as their hub for over all operations to the CARIBBEAN, CENTRAL, and SOUTH AMERICA is brilliant!!!!! I feel for those that don't see it this way. Pan Am will bring Millions of dollars in revenue to the Dominican Republic, as well as jobs to the DOMINICAN People. For years AMERICAN AIRLINES has dominated the sky's over the Dominican Republic dictating prices that Dominicans would pay to North American destinations. Now for the first time in quite some time the Dominican people will have a choice in several up-start carriers which will compete against American offering Dominicans a choice in carrier service and in prices to points in the United States of America as well as to destinations in the Caribbean, Central, and South America. How anyone can argue that this is a bad for the Dominican Republic I have no Idea unless they are a grumpy unemployed ex-Pan Am employee.


Jan 1, 2002
Pan am

MArk Poter..I dont believe that his and ex-pan am empl...those ex-pan am still on their job's when Delta airlines buy out Pan American in the 90's, and let me tell you those are the best staff working for Delta airlines. They know what is customer services.

they may work for Executive air ( American Eagle operator in the caribbean).
Apr 26, 2002
Not An Executive


I did not work for Pan Am, and I am not associated with American Eagle. But I have had the chance to watch the "new" Pan Am in action for the last few years. It is the play toy of some rich norteamericanos who want to be pilots. It is poorly operated and switches destination cities practically every month. As Criss Colon said, if Pan Am didn't have any awful history, the story about Moon service would not be so funny.

So my point is that we would be misguided if we rested our futures on Pan Am. IF Pan Am EVER comes, American Airlines will drive them out of existence using monopolistic practices.

Any airline, whether Dominican or not, whether a "real" airline (unlike Aeromar) or not, would be well advised to not go head to head with American to JFK, Miami or San Juan.



Jan 14, 2002
Excuse me but isn't Pan Am a new company that is rising out of the Ashes of a bancrupt company with new people and new money?

If that is the case isn't it unfair to put them down by comparing them to the name that they bought.

As far as the rich Norteamericanos, if it wasn't for them there would be NO airlines flying to the DR! Oh wait, there is Lan Chile and Martinaire... Where do some of you people get your thoughts from? Oh I know, bet it is dark in there!
Apr 26, 2002
Pan Am Not So New

Uh, Jazzcom, "dark in there"? Maybe, but more knowlegable than you.

The current edition of Pan Am (Pan Am III) was raised from the ashes in the late 1990s, when a small New Hampshire railroad company bought the name from the trash heap of Pan Am II. Since then, the owners have operated flights to various cities in the USA, then stopped, then moved, then stopped, and so-on. Cities once but no longer served by Pan Am III include: Allentown, Gary/Chicago, St. Louis-Mid America and Worcester.

Again, sorry to report the truth. I'll be sure to refrain from reporting the truth in the future so as to not offend anyone in the group.


Jan 14, 2002
Re: Pan Am Not So New

Porfio_Rubirosa said:
Uh, Jazzcom, "dark in there"? Maybe, but more knowlegable than you.

The current edition of Pan Am (Pan Am III) was raised from the ashes in the late 1990s, when a small New Hampshire railroad company bought the name from the trash heap of Pan Am II. Since then, the owners have operated flights to various cities in the USA, then stopped, then moved, then stopped, and so-on. Cities once but no longer served by Pan Am III include: Allentown, Gary/Chicago, St. Louis-Mid America and Worcester.

Again, sorry to report the truth. I'll be sure to refrain from reporting the truth in the future so as to not offend anyone in the group.

I am still trying to figure out the problem you have with the company other than the possible fact that they dropped unprofitable routes. Just the fact that you say that it consists of rich Norteamericanos who want to be pilots is not a reason for you putting the company down.

I stand by my statement that PAN AM is good for the DR no matter what you say you think you know and how much I don't know.

You don't report the "TRUTH" but only your opinion regarding the value of Pan Am to the DR unless of course you have a chrystal ball.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"JazzMan",PanAm is a Flying "Hoax"!

Not since the "REAL" PanAm went out of business,the midair terrorist explosion over Lockerby Scotland was the final hit,has PanAm been a "Real" airline! Their office was next to mine in Plaza Merengue.They had to call in armed guards after the "owners" left thousands of poor dominicans stranded without a way back to the US,or a refund!The office disappeared over night! Now they are going to do the same thing.Mark Porter must be a "shareholder" from the way he likes to "Hype" to company! This thread is an example,he could have posted on the "DR to the MOON" thread,but chose to start a new thread.I have no problem with any posts,but I smell a "Hidden Agenda"'a la "Stan The Man-Juaquin"CRISCO