your opinion


New member
Sep 10, 2002
Hi, Board
I'm writing to you because I've decided to relocate to DR and have been reading your posts religiously as well as the archives. I have gained a tremendous amount of information and insight on such a move. Let me take this time to thank you all for the wealth of information I've been able to attain here at DR1. In reading the archives you and the members suggest that in making a permanent move to DR, securing employment before hand is crucial. Preferably with an American corporation. I have tried in vain finding employment with a corporation here in the states and relocating to DR. And so I was hoping you can give me some suggestions/ideas as to where to whom or what I can turn to for employment.
My background is in the Financial Services arena, I'm registered with NASD. I have the Series 7, 24 & 63. My expertise is in sales and branch management. My most recent position was as an Investment Representative with Edward Jones. Previous to that I spent five years with Dreyfus. My last position with Dreyfus was as Branch Operations Manager for their 200 Park Ave, NYC Financial Center. I'd be happy to forward my resume and cover letter to any one who requests it.
I have a few questions:
1- Is there a need, in DR, for a licensed Investment Representative/Financial Advisor with knowledge limited to the American securities market?
2- If there is, what companies could I submit my resume to?
3- If there is not a need, what alternative options do I have, in your opinion, to gain employment in DR with my background?
4- Would it be more advantageous to go down to DR first and personally assess the situation myself?
5- If I do find employment, how much in savings do you think I would need to comfortably find housing and the little extra's that pop up at the last second? I'm single and looking to rent initially, so comfortable to me would be 1Br/1bath, EIK, living room. Preferably a condo, in a private building, security, running hot water, electricity with back up generator, pool, away from the city. Obviously, where I would end up working will play a major factor in all this. But, I would appreciate a general Idea of what it would cost me and how much in US$ I will need in savings.
I apologize for this bombardment of questions. I'm trying to go about this move the right way.
Any insight, information, referral, opinions would be greatly appreciated.


Jan 1, 2002
where to look for work

Look on in the Global getaway section (work abroad) select the carribean. They have professional job listings there for Price Waterhouse. Also try another website is
Good Luck


New member
Sep 10, 2002
Thanks Dulce...
I'm actually registered at monster and have seen the Price Waterhouse listing. They're actually an accounting firm, which is out my area. I did see a listing in for servicios financieros. Did not give out much info. Will look into it further. First, I've got to build a "CV" or convert my resume to a "CV". That'll be fun, LOL!
Thanks again,


New member
Sep 10, 2002
Thanks Bugsey34,
Been there and latpro, listin diario, overseas jobs, hotjobs, monster, planetlucky, yahoojobs, DR1, aldaba, overseas jobs, jobsinthemoney, carribeanjobs, infojobs, infodominicana, financejobs, bankjobs, cibermercado, brokerhunter, bancopopular all dot coms today. Too name a few.
Pretty frustrating.
I was in DR in 2000 and I was amazed to see how much progress it had made. But the job situation is starting too look pretty bleak.