Another Dominican joke making the rounds..


Jan 1, 2002

Un d?a, Hipolito va al cura de la iglesia de su comunidad, y le dice:
Padre,quiero confesarme.
Claro hijo, ?Cu?l es tu nombre?
Ingeniero Agronomo Hipolito Mejia, padre.
! Ah! El presidente. Mira hijo, tu caso es superior a mi, mejor vete al Obispado a confesar.

Se va Hipolito al Obispado, y le dice al obispo que se quiere confesar.
Claro hijo, ?C?mo te llamas?
Ingeniero Agronomo HIpolito Mejia
?El presidente? No hijo, yo no puedo confesarte porque tu est?s muy grave. Mejor vete al Vaticano.

Llega Hipolito al Vaticano, y le dice al Papa:
Su Santidad, quiero confesarme.
Claro hijo m?o. ?C?mo te llamas?
Ingeniero Agronomo Hipolito Mejia
?El presidente de Rep?blica Dominicana?
Huy uy uy hijito, tu si est?s muy dif?cil hasta para mi.
Mira, aqu? a un costado del Vaticano hay una capilla. Mejor ve ah?, y en la capilla est? una cruz gigante. Solamente all? te vas a poder confesar.
Hipolito llega a la capilla y enfrente de la cruz dice:
Se?or, vengo a confesarme. Y Jes?s le contesta:
Claro hijo m?o,?C?mo te llamas?
Ingeniero Agronomo Hipolito Mejia
?El presidente del gobierno Perredeista en Republica Dominicana los de Jorge Blanco y la gente que salieron juyendo despues de los 8 a?os vestidos de mujer, los que masacraron al pueblo en el 84 y que se robaron el dinero del pueblo por medio al Banco Universal ......... ? es Se?or.
Hijo m?o... solamente da gracias
Hipolito extra?ado le pregunta:
?Gracias? ?Pero gracias por qu??
Dale gracias a los romanos que me clavaron aqu?, porque si no, me bajaba y te sacaba a patadas, falta de respeto, sin verg?enza!

If we can't laugh, we can cry a little.



The thread finally snapped...
Jun 19, 2002
JC also called him a "ladronazo", "ma feo que'l cag? aplatao"


The thread finally snapped...
Jun 19, 2002
Jane J,

"Ma feo que'l cag? aplatao" translate differently.

"Cag?" should be really "cagar", to take a dump.
"aplatao" in this case is more like squating down, or "aplastado".
And there you have it, Hippo being uglier than squating down to take a dump, as in a latrine, or on the ground.
It is Dominican vernacular at its best. Anything uglier would be "colol de mielde burro jullendo". And again, pronounced with its colorful peculiarities, as opposed to "color de mierda de burro huyendo". You would never catch Golo or his friends speaking in this manner.


Jan 5, 2002
There is no better joke.....

Making the rounds than the one about our "Kissing Ambassador" Miguel Hernandez, future ex-Ambassador to Taiwan who in his sober state is a natural "lambon", but with a few drinks in his head during a state luncheon in front of every Taiwanese statesman around and our own contingent of Hipolito Mejia and his entourage decided to sing several songs.

The last song by this man(now gay suspect)was dedicated to the Foreign Relations Secretary Hugo Tolentino Dipp......the name of the song.....BESAME MUCHO!!!!!!!!

Here's a few lines from that song:

"Besame,besame mucho...como si fuera esta noche la ultima vez,
Besame, besame mucho que tengo miedo perderte, perderte

So the man sang to the man the following lines in English:

"Kiss me, kiss many times, as if the night was for the last time,
Kiss me, kiss me many times, I'm so afraid I will lose you, lose you
later on"

Hipolito ran off the place with his bald head in flames over the "gay protocol"...hehehehe!

Now, you have to picture this man Miguel Hernandez. He used to be a political talk show host, one of those who works at it until they get a government job. He has this deep manly voice and a Zapata type mustache and an Hippo bald head. He was singing to another bald man, who is too refined for these vulgarities. It was a scene out of the Twilight Zone, as someone here in DR1 told me.