Haiti,Imposdom,Arroz Quemao, Burros and Gallinas


Jan 5, 2002
For those who love our local folklore, here are a few of the last beauties in the last 48 hours:

-Dominican Invasion to Haiti!!!!. Hey dont get your hopes up, it was not the Dominican Army that invaded Haiti. It was Haitian rebels hidden in DR who just invaded Haiti and are trying another Sierra Maestra on poor Aristide. It is a beauty. Nothing as fun as watching Dominican hater and "peaceful invader of DR" Jean Bertrand get a taste of his own medicine. Now what is he going to do? Close the Haitian border so that his people dont come to DR to conspire against him? Maybe this is the way to get the Haitians out. Train them here in military and how to steal from the masses(Taught by our Senators) and send them back and keep this going for years.

-Imposdom launches a new stamp conmemorating the Presidential Summit in Bavaro: This is the biggest joke this week. Can you imagine a post office that has been closed for two years and has not delivered a letter in 10 years issuing stamps? This is the only thing they do well. Produce and sell stamps for collections only(useless for mailing purposes). The check is in the mail!!

-Government burning Dominican rice fields: We have now made it to the Guinness Book of Records as the only country in the world that burns its producing farms to avoid over-production of a crop. Rice fields are being burned left and right. Farmers are burning tires in Nagua. While we have an excess of rice until September of 2003 in storage, PRD and Army people are smuggling rice from Haiti. How can this be profitable if we have overproduction and so much rice in the streets?

-For those who enjoyed the thread on "Names you dont like to be called", please check on the names that Hippo and Leonel are calling each other...Hippo called Leonel "Gallina" and Leonel called Hippo "Burro". Now we undesrtand why Tulile writes such great poetry for his merengues, like "Que bajo a gusto" and his latest "El rabo de la burra".

-Our Chamber of Deputies have gone in defense of our Chinese illegals importer Deputy Garcia. They will not revocate his congressional inmmunity so that the States Attorney can effect his arrest and inmprisonment as ordered by the Dominican Supreme Court. How stupid can our legislators be? Here they are protecting and damaging their already "on the dumps" image with this action trying to save a sinking ship. You see Garcia will have to go to jail eventually. The minute congress ends this session his inmmunity is removed automatically and the Supreme Court can exercise their order. In the meantime Dominicans will now confirm their well kept idea that congress is a club of thieves who protect each other. B U R R O S!!!



Jan 1, 2002
Buring Rice Fields

when I read in the DR newpapers that the government was forcefully poisoning farmer's rice crops because they planted a month ahead of schedule....I almost lost it......those farmers better be careful...they are inhaling the same herbicide that the government is using to kill the crops....if I were a farmer, I would consider that an act of aggression, and I would take my machete and shotgun to anyone attacking my personal property.


Jan 5, 2002
Poetic justice

I dont know if you knew that some months ago a Dominican Senator died poisoned by his own fumigating plane in his own farm when he came to inspect his farm while the plane was spraying.