I plan to move down there


New member
Jan 10, 2003
with my 4 year old daughter. I am divorced and her father has no visitation rights as he failed to appear for court and pay child support.

My concern is if I should need some kind of legal paper or something to be able to take her down there. I know I need a passport to travel, but I believe she just gets a tourist card right when we get there, eventually we would apply to become residents. How does the process go on that with a child? She should be starting school next year and I will be putting her in.

Any information please would be very helpful.

Muchas gracias.

Doreen Ramirez


Jan 1, 2002
What country are you coming from? If the US, see this http://www.travel.state.gov/dominican_republic.html There is info on children in the section re entry. Basically it states what is necessary if a child under 13 is entering with someone other than a parent or legal guardian. If you are the parent and your child is under 13, is appears that you will not need anything additional.