Why do older men from other countries visit the DR and take advantage of young girls?

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I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
People, this is a question that my friend asked me. She believes that there are many older men from the us and from england that would visit the dominican republic and take advantage of young girls by promising them a good future and a good life and after they get what they want, would just treat them badly and forget about them.

In my opinion, it is a well known fact that many older men would go to any third world country and take advantage of young girls. I know of old men of over 50 being with girls as young as 17 and 18. It's easier to manipulate a poor girl than a rich girl and that's the reason that these "casanovas" usually go for the poor girls. They know better than to go after a rich girl because they know that they will be made fun of. They rather go after poor, innocent girls because they know that they are more vulnerable and easier to manipulate. Some of them are so" smart" that they think that those girls are really with them because they care for them or their good looks. They may think that they have scored big, not knowing that some of those girls see them as a meal ticket and "a green card" in the future. But we all know that most of those older men only want to take advantage of them.

What is your opinion of these old "love machines" that would take advantage of young girls???. And remember that some of them are married and still go to the dr and take adavantage and manipulate young girls.
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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
perhaps the girls are getting what they want also, because they are not forced into any relationship with these older guys.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
bob saunders said:
perhaps the girls are getting what they want also, because they are not forced into any relationship with these older guys.
Very true, but are u saying that a a 17 year old has the same mentality of that of a man of 50 years of age. Remember, here in the states, even if the girl wants to be with the man, it's called rape (if she is a minor). Let them do it her to see if they can get away with it. They know what they are doing.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Porfio_Rubirosa said:
Most of the people who I know who do that kind of thing are Dominican Yorks, not gringos.
As I stated, many dominican-yorks will do that, but also many others from different countries.
Porfio_Rubirosa said:
Most of the people who I know who do that kind of thing are Dominican Yorks, not gringos.

Don't full yourself, Gringos are historically well known for traveling abroad for young sex. That is very common. If you looked up the word "cradlerobber" in the dictionary you should see a smiling face of a Gringo next to the difinition.

Or type in a search engine "Prostitution, Child" and you will see
that the main customers are older men from Europe, Japan and the states.....Generally wealthy countries. Think God some are getting busted but not enough.
Oct 13, 2003
Wasn't this discussed earlier?

If we're talking child rape (under 16) then I'm as disgusted as the next man. However, to recap from various posts on the subject:

1) About 200K in women of pleasure in DR at any given time. That most of these women are young should come as no surprise, who would want to pay for a wrinkled old hag?

2) About 50K of male tourist at any given time, 80% of them married and staying at AI. This leaves around 10K active as 'cradlerobbers'.

3) Who frequent the remaining 190K of 'cueros'? The Dominicans themselves apparently. Of course all these Dominicans are single and don't approve of having a girl on the side :pirate:

4) This is not readily noticed because a Dominican male with a Domincan female does not stand out in the crowd as much as a white whale with a more?a.

5) Bottom line, gringos stand out more, but are not the driving force behind prostituion in the DR.They just take advantage of a market that is created internally, like good cigars and good rum (and if we can believe AZB, the tourists get the dregs anyhow :classic:).

Pleeeeaaazzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeee get uuuur factsss st8!


PS: Don't apply US statutory rape age limits outside the US. In other countries other customs apply, the US is not the same as 'The whole wide World'. People tend be be considered adults at different ages in different cultures.

PPS: Given the relatively high incidence of child pregnancies in the US vs other '1st world' countries, instating an age limit seems to work just fine :laugh:


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Yawn! This topic has been covered many times and from many angles on this board.

My guess would be that all those kids born to 13-16 year old mothers are not due to "gringos".

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