*** New Rule ***


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
If you are a commercial business or make money selling a product or service, you will need to ask DR1's permission via email to post ANYTHING that relates to your business.
This includes links, emailing or sending PM's to our posters without their request for information.
If you don't adhere to this simple rule, then we will do whatever necessary to protect our current advertisers interests. If that includes black listing a particular business or service, so be it.
Trust us, it's not in your best interests to have this happen.

DR1 is visited by 4,000+ everyday and we are well aware of the businesses that do VERY WELL piggy backing on our success. If your not willing to support DR1, then we will NOT allow you to benefit from us, it's that simple.

This "new rule" DOES NOT apply to our current advertisers.
This also DOES NOT apply to posters that have no affiliation or have nothing to gain financially from posting information on DR related products or services.

If you have received great service, happy with a product or business, please post your experiences. This also applies to those bad experiences as well.
DR1 is about the exchange of helpful, useful and beneficial information for all, good or bad.

Feel free to contact us directly for advertising opportunities and how for we can help make your business even more successful.