Visa Requirements


New member
Jan 9, 2004
I have a friend traveling from Russia who is going to meet me in Boston Massachsetts then we are traveling to Punta Cana for 7 days. My question is will she need a visa to enter the Dominican Republic and if so, how long does it take to get one issued?

Thank you,

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002

According to the list posted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the nationals of the following countries can enter the DR with a tourist card (the list is in Spanish, Russia is No. 43):

1. Alemania
2. Andorra
3. Antigua y Barbuda
4. Aruba5. Australia
6. Austria
7. Bahamas
8. Barbados
9. B?lgica
10. Brasil
11. Bolivia
12. Canad?
13. Costa Rica
14. Croacia
15. Rep?blica Checa
16. Reino de Dinamarca
17. Dominica
18. Eslovenia
19. El Salvador
20. Espa?a
21. Estados Unidos de Norteam?rica (incluye Puerto Rico, Islas V?rgenes, St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Jhon, Hawai)
22. Finlandia
23. Francia (Guyana Francesa, Martinica, Guadalupe y Reuni?n)
24. Grecia
25. Guatemala
26. Honduras
27. Hungr?a
28. Rep?blica de Irlanda
29. Islas Turcas y Caicos
30. Italia
31. Jamaica
32. Lituania
33. Luxemburgo
34. Macedonia
35. M?xico
36. M?naco
37. Paraguay
38. Polonia
39. Portugal
40. Reino de Noruega
41. Reino Unido de Gran Breta?a (Inglaterra, Irlanda del Norte, Escocia, Pa?s de Gales)
42. Reino de Pa?ses Bajos (Holanda, Curazao y San Marteen)
43. Rusia
44. San Kitt y Nevis
45. San Marino
46. San Vicente y Granadinas
47. Santa Luc?a
48. Suecia
49. Suiza
50. Suriname
51. Trinidad y Tobago
52. Ucrania
53. Venezuela


Jan 1, 2002
SEE?? I don't know Jack Schitt about visas.

Here I thought all the former Soviet Union countries needed visas but then I forgot that Balaguer is dead and the P{LD and PRD would open the gates to anything from the old communist world....

HB thanks Fabio, that is a "Cut and Paste" List...