Unilateral Divorce


New member
Jan 20, 2004
Any information or suggestions will be respectfully appreciated! My (wife) and I have been separated for 4 years. We have no contact with each other by choice. We are both city workers and cannot live outside our residency. She will not give me a divorce unless I sign over all our marital assets (including the house). I refused since most of the assets were mine before we met. We have no children (together, I have 2 sons) married few years. she contested the divorce in New York State and I lost due to lake of preparation and evidence at the Trial! (who knew)! I have no proof of grounds for NY State and cannot file for residency in another state due to my job. I feel like she has taken me for a fool and has embarrassed myself and my family. Someone suggested a UNILATERAL DIVORCE, is this possible for me? will she be able to contest this? I AM A DESPERATE MAN, PLEASE HELP! The stress has effected my health. Sincere Thanx


Jan 1, 2002
Hopefully Fabio Guzman can help you out with this one.
I take it that your house etc. is in the DR and your wife is Dominican and you are American. If that's the case, think seriously about saying kissing ALL your stuff goodbye.
A friend of mine even a a pre-nup which was ignored. The court ignored the fact that she has a restraining order against her, that shes waiting to answer to assault charges, she stole material and caused dammage to the house. They even ordered that she return to HER house and live with her husband (who was granted the divorce but she appealed) "French Law" sucks.
In your case, I'm sure they'll side with her 100% and you will be filing appeals and spending money for the rest of your life. Meanwhile she'll be living in your house, selling all your stuff etc. etc.
Women all over the world win in these situations but here in the DR they rape you. Moral of the story, if you intend on marrying a .... , make sure you have everything in the name of a company that they can't connect you to. Rent everything, house included from the company.
Good Luck.


New member
Jan 20, 2004
From Franklee,
We are both New York residents, and born in New York. You MUST have grounds (that you can prove) in NY. Because we have no contact for 4 years, I have no grounds and in any case she wants to keep all the stuff that's why she married me in the first place! If I can get a divorce in Haiti without her! Then I would not have to wait 7 years and get on with my life!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
You should consult first with a lawyer from your jurisdiction (NY State) to ascertain whether a Haitian unilateral divorce would be valid in NY.

I think that the answer is no but don't believe me. I'm not licensed to practice in the State of New York.