Gold Prospecting??


New member
Feb 25, 2004
I was wandering if anyone knows anything about the Gold prospecting in the Dominican Republic? I know they have a very rick Gold Mine. I belong to a gold prospecting association in the USA and am moving to the DR. Wanting to know if i should bring my pans or not?


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Don't bother bringing your pans because...

Columbus scrapped the crust of this island clean of it's gold 500 years ago. However, there are gigantic quantities below the surface. In fact, the DR has the largest gold mine in the Hemisphere, and that is only tapping to less than a quarter of the estimated amount buried in this great land. By the way, there's also Marble, Amber, Larimar, Bauxite, Nickel (10% of the world's deposit), natural gas, and there are suppose to be some huge oil reserves off the coast of Azua and in the Enriquillo Basin-the Gov. spends millions searching for it with outdated machinery. They should let ExxonMobil do that job, in an instand the black gold will rise fromt the ground.


Jan 1, 2002
gold panning

I was once informed by a renouned geologist that there still exists rivers in the central mountain range that carry aluvial gold. If you are an experiened panner that you might have some luck.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
It is my understanding that all mineral rights are owned by the Dominican Gov which leases it out to Minning corps.
I know of one man back in the 80's who panned in his spare time for gold over a couple of years on his property(I am not telling you where). He then melted it down into coin size ingots and painted them silver. A few trips to Miami and voila! $145K US!

As for Oil off the DR. That rumour makes the rounds every few years Particularly when the PRD is in power. Do a search of DR1 and you will find alot of info. Basically the oil is of such poor quality and amount it is not worth the effort. It is similar to the situation in Cuba where Fidel has sunk a few wells. All for show.

Keith R

"Believe it!"
Jan 1, 2002
Nal0whs said:
In fact, the DR has the largest gold mine in the Hemisphere, and that is only tapping to less than a quarter of the estimated amount buried in this great land.
Does the DR still have the largest operating gold mine in the Western Hemisphere? [There's one in the Black Hills of the Dakotas that's the largest, but it went inactive.] As I understand it, the Omani mine in Guyana is now the hemisphere's largest...
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Jan 1, 2002
Gold in dem hills

Keith R said:
Does the DR still have the largestoperating gold mine in the Western Hemisphere? [There's one in the Black Hills of the Dakotas that's the largest, but it went inactive.] As I understand it, the Omani mine in Guyana is now the hemisphere's largest...

The Dominican Republic contains one of the largest open gold reserves in the World. The Canadian company Placer Dome won the concession to develope the mine. They are presently doing a feasability study and if all goes well, they should go into production in a few years time.

By the way you do need a metalic mining concession from the govt to pan gold, as someone earlier suggested. Just get your pan out and start looking.

Keith R

"Believe it!"
Jan 1, 2002
Drake said:
The Dominican Republic contains one of the largest open gold reserves in the World. The Canadian company Placer Dome won the concession to develope the mine. They are presently doing a feasability study and if all goes well, they should go into production in a few years time.
Drake, I asked about largest operating mine, not reserves.


New member
Apr 4, 2004
DR gold

Drake said:
I was once informed by a renouned geologist that there still exists rivers in the central mountain range that carry aluvial gold. If you are an experiened panner that you might have some luck.

I just came across this site and was interested, I will be in the DR this summer. I have been searching for info on the prospects of finding deposits of gold in the rivers. I have recently found an acquaintence that indicates that there is placer gold in th DR. Can you tell me what rivers or what city is close to the central mountain range. My maps don't have any reference to them. If you have any further info on the geologist - etc. I would appreciate any possible help. Thanks


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Keep those pans in their holsters and just go the Yuma and Bao to have fun!

The spaniards took whatever they could carry the rest that was left behind Guillette mined it and put it on the bottom of the containers filled them with bauxite and ran for it!

Now if you bring a top of the line laser able to cut the crust with ease I'll pack my bags and meet you a mile and a half from Rosario Dominicana during the night and give it a good try for all it's worth!!!


Feb 3, 2002
I read a while back that people were panning for gold in certain rivers around El Seybo area. Not sure the name of the rivers, though. La rosario gold mine is in my town of Cotui...Basically all this is gotten Cotui is a huge enviromental disaster, where a few rivers, that run by the mine, are now so polluted that all living fish species have died around them. Not to mention the "clearing" of complete mountains, which used to be forests and now don't have one tree left in them.
I was once up there and to my surprise there's a whole small town built by the Americans/Canadians for their employees up in the mountains. When you're up there it's just like you're in a town in the US. The houses look like any town in Florida or was like an episode of the twighlight zone. 99% of the people in Cotui have no idea this "town" exists up there.


New member
Apr 4, 2004
Keep those pans in their holsters and just go the Yuma and Bao to have fun!

Sorry I must be a littles slow, is there gold in moderate quantity in the Bao nand Yuna rivers?

I have a acquaintance where I will possibly be this summer, Who is near Lopez, South of Santiago de los Caballeros that is within about six kilometers away from the Bao River.

I am looking to see if there are viable small scale (dredging) mining areas that could be developed for creating work for some of the local people.

Thanks for your help



Jan 14, 2002
You will absolutely NOT be allowed to dredge for gold....

in any river and in ANY concession without lots of paperwork and permissions and spending some real money to do anything with respect to "metals" mining ....panning is one thing....dredging is completely different.

We mine in numerous locations of the DR (minerals not metals). We encourage others to do so. Mining is a large asset the DR can develop over the next 100+ years.

Best, Dave


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Well, I'm not to sure about that!

You might need lots of paper works to be able to mine legally, but will the police rattle on you if you promise to give him/her a small percentage of the findings? Will anyone come up to you and ask you to stop doing that "weird thing" by the river? Will you be looking for gold next to the autopista? NO! This being the DR, you can always bribe the cops and suddenly something illegal becomes legal on the spot. People will only start talking about the "Loco Americano" doing something in the river and since any gold to be found is probably in uninhabited remote areas, what's the problem? Just start searching!!!


Jan 14, 2002
Sorry Nalowhs, the question asked was regarding dredging...

...big difference for one person to go out to play in a river with a pan ...and another thing using a dredge. You will NEVER be clever enough to buy off "police" when metals mining (using any machinery) is so closely watched by the Govt. Won't happen. If there is "organized" metals mining, the government knows about it. Won't happen no matter what you want to wish to believe. If you bring in a "one person" scuba dredge, you may get away with it as long as its not a daily sustained activity. Otherwise, forget about that too.

Best, Dave