Golden Opportunity!! Recue Government Employees!!!



When Hippolito took office in Aug. 2000, he fired virtually all governement employees, replacng them with his supporters. Almost w/o exception. 'To the victor go the spoils'. Politics is politics. Patronage is patronage. Now? 2004? I have some suggestions:
1. Leonel should fire [al least] 75% of all gov't employees, military & civilian, all appointed by Hippolito.
2. Of those fired [75%] replace 25% with new hires. Viola! the # of govt employees is reduced by 50%, near painlessly. What does the PLD care @ disgruntled Hippo supporters?
3. Adopt a new law, decree, or ? a. No Dominican can hold more than 1 govt job at the same time. b. In any 1 family, [ie 2 generations], there can be no more than 3 gov't employees at the same time. c. The amount of all government pensions greater than 44,000 pesos / month is reduced to 44,000 pesos / month, efrective Oct. 1, 2004.
Attention IMF!! Are you reading this? Simple. Painless. Easy to understand. Easy to enforce.
Will it solve all of the DR's problems? NO! But it's a wonderful opportunity. Leonel, the sword of reform is in your hands! Have courage! You will gain international respect! No tax increaes will be necessary! The poor will not be harmed. The common Dominican people will recognize you as the Messiah of your contry!!


Jan 1, 2002
Sounds GOOD to me!!!!
But let us add CAR TAXES up to pay for road improvements, a honest & functional AMET to enforce traffic violations (noise, parking, dangerous driving, talking on cell 'phones etc) & ENFORCEABLE quality of vehicles on road!!??

Now HOW do we get that message across much more loudly!!!??? - Grahame


New member
Jun 11, 2004
TiberiusMineola said:
When Hippolito took office in Aug. 2000, he fired virtually all governement employees, replacng them with his supporters. Almost w/o exception. 'To the victor go the spoils'. Politics is politics. Patronage is patronage. Now? 2004? I have some suggestions:
1. Leonel should fire [al least] 75% of all gov't employees, military & civilian, all appointed by Hippolito.
2. Of those fired [75%] replace 25% with new hires. Viola! the # of govt employees is reduced by 50%, near painlessly. What does the PLD care @ disgruntled Hippo supporters?
3. Adopt a new law, decree, or ? a. No Dominican can hold more than 1 govt job at the same time. b. In any 1 family, [ie 2 generations], there can be no more than 3 gov't employees at the same time. c. The amount of all government pensions greater than 44,000 pesos / month is reduced to 44,000 pesos / month, efrective Oct. 1, 2004.
Attention IMF!! Are you reading this? Simple. Painless. Easy to understand. Easy to enforce.
Will it solve all of the DR's problems? NO! But it's a wonderful opportunity. Leonel, the sword of reform is in your hands! Have courage! You will gain international respect! No tax increaes will be necessary! The poor will not be harmed. The common Dominican people will recognize you as the Messiah of your contry!!

Ty, that is a good idea. It may not solve all problems but it would surely help.


Mar 4, 2004
Could we add in "no more than 2 carbon copies of receipts, acknowledgements etc". You know how government offices use those ancient slips of carbon paper for interminable copies which are unreadable anyway? Well someone has to "file" all those copies. Do away with so many copies & puff.....there is the justification for 50% staff reduction. Plus the filing cabinets which have already been stolen wouldn't need to be replaced! A further saving.


Jan 14, 2002
I have been told that Leonel was a thief just like Hippo was. I was told he didn't take quite as much because his party wasn't the populist party so had less mouths to feed. Way to go Dominicans. From a big thief to a smaller thief.

Things may get a bit better but I would bet my bippie that it will be the same tune all over again.