Bad attitudes in encuentro


New member
Aug 22, 2004
Hello all. I just got back from a trip in the DR and it was nice for the most part. My wife and I went to have an inexpensive surf trip and ended up having a bad experince. I hope I don't make any of you upset with the post. I'm not trying to be mean but was wondering if anyone else had the same problem.

We repeatedly had bad attitudes from all foreign surfers. They acted like they owned the beach or something. All the Dominican surfers we meet were super nice and accomodating however. The other surfers would not even respond to us when we would try to talk to them and would walk away in the middle of speaking to them. In one instance some punk guy decided to block the way out of a one way road out from the beach with his truck. He pulled all the way up in front of our bumper and sat there with the dumbest look on his face till I backed up off the road so he could pass. Even though I was just 20 feet from exiting the long road.

On top of it all my wife and I longboard and they constantly made comments about the "stupid longboarders".

Has anyone else had this problem? The surf was good (though I hear it's better in the winter) and the locals were very nice but the foreigners were unbearable. If their purpose was to make sure visitors never come back to "their" beach they are doing a great job!


Mar 4, 2004
So sorry, ilovebeans. I don't surf so haven't had this experience, but I do live here, so I know precisely what you mean! Were these people other foreign tourists, or (never let it be said) foreigners who live here? You can PM me if you don't want to start a non politically correct flame out! Hope it didn't ruin your trip too much.


New member
Aug 22, 2004
Yep... They lived there

That is one of the things I was able to squeeze out of them. They were "locals". One of them even worked in a restuarant in cabarete. It was awkward because the very next day after the road incident he was waiting a table right next to me. He knew who we were too. But the real locals were very nice and it seemed they were working hard at making up for the loser "locals".

It's nice to see though that unlike most other surf spots the DR locals have not adopted the punk westeren attitude that is so prevelant in the sport today.


Jan 1, 2002
Does the expression

F*CK YOU AND THE BURRO YOU CAME ON!! mean anything to you??

I wish you had used it on the a$$holes! I am so glad you were able to savor some of the real hospitality.

I have heard of surfers staking out areas for waves, but not here, and certainly not at a very important tourist beach.. "As Bugs would have said: What a maroon!!"

Next time, please extend the middle finger and flip them off....Hillbilly posse should go up there and play with their heads....

Of course you could get HIS table and stiff him.....


HB :(


Jan 1, 2002
ilovebeans said:
That is one of the things I was able to squeeze out of them. They were "locals". One of them even worked in a restuarant in cabarete. It was awkward because the very next day after the road incident he was waiting a table right next to me. He knew who we were too. But the real locals were very nice and it seemed they were working hard at making up for the loser "locals".

It's nice to see though that unlike most other surf spots the DR locals have not adopted the punk westeren attitude that is so prevelant in the sport today.

It is not just the 'Surf Sports' that have these jerks shouting their heads off with "Attitude"!!! We 'Westerners' from 1st World Countries have a LOT to learn from our 'Poor, 3rd World Cousins' where hospitality & generosity is concerned!! Glad to see you found the experience worthwhile & hurry back again ...... we need the money!!!! - Grahame.


New member
Jan 2, 2002
Encuentro is usually a very friendly place (both locals and visitors). Sorry you had this experience. IF you private email me, I can probably have a word with a few people so others don't experience what you had to. Sounds like you know the visiting protocol so don't understand why there would be any attitude down there. then again, there's always one a**hole!



Jan 6, 2004
You should have told the local surfers the treatment you got. They would have made sure those punka$$e$ got out of the way or get what they deserved for giving you that a$$ treatment. I'd like to see to see those mofos trying to perform that treatment on local surfer beaches like Guibia in St. Domingo or Los Patos in Bani. They would get $hit kicked out of them.