

New member
Apr 17, 2004
Rameses said:
I'm (US citizen) marring a Dominican woman IN the DR and I was wondering how fast can I apply for her to come to the US with me??
and how long does it take normaly

30 months if you guys are already married (K-3 visa), 6 months (K-1 visa) if you promise to marry her on the 90 first days she gets into the US.

Both timelines can be longer. Depends on how complicated is your case (one of you have been married before, or she has children, etc.).

You could take a look on this website:

Lots of information about K visas.

Good luck!

Jess :bunny:


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
Rameses said:
I'm (US citizen) marring a Dominican woman IN the DR and I was wondering how fast can I apply for her to come to the US with me??
and how long does it take normaly

Out of curiousity ( and the US will ask this several times anyway) how long have you two been together before the marriage happens? Hopefully it is not measured in weeks or worse, days. If so, stop and think.


New member
May 8, 2004
My experience

I just sent this to smily2day and thought Id' share it with all of you.

Just thought I'd give you some first hand knowledge about marring a Dominicana.
First, I started with an immigration Lawyer. Very Expensive. Next, I went through Catholic Social Services here in New Mexico. Same help, less money. You can do it yourself, but they have all the information and forms.
My wife's K-1 visa was approved in 4 months. She came here and we were married within the 90 day allowed time. After the marriage, you have to wait 2 years here for her green card.(They interview both of you to see if you are still together.) If you get married in the DR, that waiting period is done in the DR. That means 2 years of traveling back and forth to see her and support her and spending money on phone calls. Unless you are living there with her for the whole time, I would not recommend that. We have been married for over 5 years and this summer she applied for US Citizenship. Her appointment is in November. There is other stuff also, like a work permit here. She needs that to get a Social Security Card which she needs to do stuff like put her name on your bank account, get credit in her name, etc. There is a lot of things that have to be done, but just be patient. Many people think "You just marry them and they are automatically a US Citizen", Right? WRONG! Lots of Luck.