Buying Ceramic Tile


Jan 1, 2002
If you are tiling or retiling the floors/walls of your house/apartment and are in need of ceramic tile, I higly recommend CobsCaibe on Autopista Duarte between Santiago and La Vega (km 16). Great source of tile. It is all first quality, imported from Spain, and the prices are excellent. The person doing the tiling of our condo went with us to pick out the tile since he had never been there, either, and he was amazed at the quality for the price. He said what we paid for first quality tile was less than we would pay in Puerto Plata for lesser quality, and far less expensive than we would pay in Ferreteria Ochoa in Santiagoe for first quality tile.

Great selection and available in a variety of sizes.

Cobs Caribe is open Monday-Friday from 8am-6pm, and on Saturday from 9am to 2 pm.

The sales people speak excellent English.

Tel 276-0200.


Apr 7, 2003
tumbled marble

Did you notice if they have tumbled marble (travertine) tile in 4" x 4" size?

Simon & Nicky

Feb 3, 2004
Oh yeah?

Bear in mind that I, like most men do not relish a day spent wandering around tile shops. Tempers get short, arguements start and then you both finally find something that you both like. Nothing else in the store will do...

After two hour's of browsing:

"We'd like 70meters of this one please"
"Sorry it's not in stock"
"We'll order them then when can we expect delivery?"
"Oh no, never - that line is discontinued"
Simon - "So why the f**K do you have it on display"?
"To fill the shelves"

At one time we left some sample tiles on the sales girls' table and when we went back over a week later they were still there, in exactly the same place that we had left them. Either they don't clean, don't have customers or just aren't that bothered.

If that's good service you can stuff it. We had to go back twice, order completely different tiles to the ones we wanted and wait weeks for a delivery that was "any day now" when we placed our order.

I would not go out of my way to visit the store.

Simon :tired:


Jan 1, 2002
Simon & Nicky said:
If that's good service you can stuff it. We had to go back twice, order completely different tiles to the ones we wanted and wait weeks for a delivery that was "any day now" when we placed our order.

I would not go out of my way to visit the store.

Simon :tired:

Suit yourself.

But if you think your experience was unique to any particular tile supplier, that tells me you haven't had much experience shopping for ceramic tile.


Jan 14, 2002
Ken said:
If you are tiling or retiling the floors/walls of your house/apartment and are in need of ceramic tile, I higly recommend CobsCaibe on Autopista Duarte between Santiago and La Vega (km 16). Great source of tile. It is all first quality, imported from Spain, and the prices are excellent. The person doing the tiling of our condo went with us to pick out the tile since he had never been there, either, and he was amazed at the quality for the price. He said what we paid for first quality tile was less than we would pay in Puerto Plata for lesser quality, and far less expensive than we would pay in Ferreteria Ochoa in Santiagoe for first quality tile.
Did you go to Ochoa to price them out? IF you did go to Ochoa did you check out the selection of Tile "outside" by the pick up door?

Everyone knows that Santiago is cheaper than Puerto Plata, that is a given when it comes to everything. Did you get your tiles delivered yet?



New member
Feb 1, 2004
I bought about a ton of tile from Ochoa in Santiago. After half of it was loaded in the car I decided to open a box and roughly half of the tiles in all the boxes were broke or cracked and they looked at me like it was my problem
and I had to argue with them to give me unbroken tiles.


Jan 14, 2002
If you got them within one week of when it was promised you did ok. They just tell you what they think you want to hear usually and don't really care what is going to happen. Glad you were satisfied with your purchase.
