young dr1 member going to Iraq tomorrow


New member
Jun 25, 2003
[here's an email I sent to Jon S. earlier today]

Hey Jonathan:

I tried to return your call you but you didn't answer your phone.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you a couple of things before you go to Iraq tomorrow. First sweetie, don't be a hero or take too great risks - if bullets start to fly - duck, run or both, and don't gamble on luck. Medals don't look good on dead people. Second, don't allow yourself the luxury of relaxing, or feeling too at home, remember that you'll be in a war-zone - staying alert means staying alive. Ya sabes, camaron que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente. Third, don't ever forget that you are a sweet, bright, young man who's full of potential and who has a whole lot of life in front of him. You are a hopeless romantic (who will make some woman the happiest alive someday), with a heart of gold too large to possibly fit in your manly chest - that's how I see you. When they make you do things that go against your nature, when you see things that you don't like or disturb you, if you ever start to feel blue about the whole situation in which you may find yourself; hold on to that sense of injustice, anger or that something is wrong, don't drown out those feelings of disgust or sadness/melancholy - as those feelings will keep your heart intact, hence, you human, and as the man that I see when I think of you. Fourth, no hay mal que dure mil a?os. Although slowly, time will eventually change things, remember where ever you may find yourself at the moment, that it is just part-way of the long journey still ahead of you. When you have a quiet chance use it to look to the future, think of your dreams, and the ones you love - these thoughts will help pass the time and keep the fire of your hopes alive. Fifth and last, pray; for yourself, your parents, relatives, friends, the world in which we all live, the mind-sets of those in power to be blessed us with another day, each day, until the day when we can all chill on a beach like Puerto Plata (that one is my favorite), on a perfect sunny cloudless day, without a care in the world, drinking a couple of heladas, listening to some kick-a$$ tunes, everyone together (yea! even Bush & Chaney can come!) getting along in peace, health, tolerance and operation for the greater good as God and Jesus intended it to be. I may be a rational, analitical, logical type of thinking person, but hey what do I really know? In a total departure from my way of thinking, I do believe in something/someone larger than us, who knows the answers to why and how babies smell sooooo good, flowers are so beautiful, and an emotion called love (if we gave it a chance) can make the world go round.

For now do what you have to do hermano and do it well. When you get back I'll still be here, we'll shoot the breeze again (maybe drink some Presidentes). If you have forgotten or lost the person who you were - I will not have forgotten him, so I promise I'll help you remember and bring him back too.

your friend,

Vilma (Hormiga)


Jan 2, 2002
Jon S is going overseas? :cry:

My prayers go with you Jon. Please keep us updated whenever you get to a computer. We'll be looking for your reports.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Jon S...wish you did not have to go.

All the best to you! Stay strong and remember everyone here is thinking about you!

Hormiga, you are a great friend to Jon! I hope he did get your email. It is very inspiring.


Lesley D

Fiesta Mama

Jan 28, 2004
What an inspiring letter. I also hope he got to read it because I'm sure it would get him through the hard times! More people need friends like you.

Jon S.

Jan 25, 2003
Hey people

Thank you Vilma, I really appreciate it. Yesterday I was at work only half of the day and was released early to take care of some stuff before I left. Today has been a pretty busy day and I just got online on my friend's laptop. Thru this webpage I've talked to and met some really good people. hopefully I can meet some more of yall in the future. And my phone just got cut off since I love talking to my girl so darn much ;) even though she's always at medicine school down there. But I'm about to put it back on in the next hour or so I'll give some more people a call. Anyways, I didn't want to bring it up to alotta people and two or three other DR1 members knew what was going on. To the rest of yall here, keep it going, it's like one big dysfunctional family over here. I love it hehe.....I'll give some of yall an update when I get out there. Take care yall.....if you would like to email me, send me something at My Gmail account or my Yahoo Hablamos mas tarde...


Nov 19, 2002
Great letter.

Jon S. I sincerely wish you the best of luck, and may God watch over you.


Jan 1, 2002
Good luck over there Jon

Stay in touch as you can.

Keep your eyes open, and take nothing for granted...

HB :p


May 12, 2002
May the guardian angels keep you safe with every step you take and accomplish a very successful mission.

Just stay alert, stay alive and never under estimate the enemy but do show them superiority.

You will be alright Jon S.....Best of luck.


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004

Hillbilly said:
Stay in touch as you can.

Keep your eyes open, and take nothing for granted...

HB :p

Eyes open, Head and A$$ down


Jan 3, 2002
Godspeed, Jon, and best of luck. We'll all be thinking of and praying for you.

Shelby Stokes

New member
Oct 13, 2004
A Brother here for you


I am with you all the way and support you for the reason that you are taking up the position of "Defender". I, too served in the Military during the first round of battles in the Middle East (1990-1991). Brother you have my eyes on your back and I will watch out for you as you journey into that area. Remember your duty, commands and instincts. Others will cover you like I know you will cover them.

Not much else to say except I will see you when you return. We will keep a light on for you and never leave you behind. HOOAH!!!!!

Jon S.

Jan 25, 2003
Hey everybody

How's it going???? Everything is everything out here. Full of our AF boys and Army all over the place too. It's hot as hell too, but the locals say that they start complaining about the heat in July and August......Not much more that I can say other than thanks for your concern, it really motivates me to see something like this. We have a good team out here so it helps too. They keep us busy here too so it helps time go by quick. I'll definitely check on this as much as I can. Take care yall


Keith R

"Believe it!"
Jan 1, 2002
Jon S. said:
How's it going???? Everything is everything out here. Full of our AF boys and Army all over the place too. Not much more that I can say other than thanks for your concern, it really motivates me to see something like this. We have a good team out here so it helps too. They keep us busy here too so it helps time go by quick. I'll definitely check on this as much as I can. Take care yall

Jon, glad to hear you're ok. Stay that way, man. I already know Walter Reed too well; don't want to start making more visits. Besides, I still have that cold beer awaiting your visit to N Va. ;)

Jon S.

Jan 25, 2003
It's really hot here

Yeah, the mercury is rising every day. Really hot. We have some conveniences which I didn't expect out here but I'll just say that I just saw Star Wars 3 as something for the troops they did here. Lots of stuff going on here, the insurgents try to do things but they get hit with the big stick here pretty quick. It's basically a combat zone, nothing more, nothing less. I'm gonna visit some wounded troops really soon, they're in need of some motivation from their own folks as long as they're here. Missing limbs don't gross me out but they sure are a reality check, for me at least. And Keith, have those cold ones waiting, I'll be home sooner than you think. I'll be good with a 6-pack, probabl will have lost my tolerance by then hehe