Driving licence


New member
Jun 23, 2005
Does anyone have any information regarding an extranjero taking the driving test over here in the DR. I live in Barahona and would be most appreciative for any information regarding the ins and outs of the test.


Jan 14, 2002
waterkress said:
Does anyone have any information regarding an extranjero taking the driving test over here in the DR. I live in Barahona and would be most appreciative for any information regarding the ins and outs of the test.
You need your residency first to get it. You than are entitled to a license if you can get your embassy to validate it so NO test is needed.

Other than that just ask around and pay like 75 bux to have it done for you!



Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
I'm sure you can take your test in Barahona, ask around.
If you have a European license, often you can exchange it for a Dominican one. It's a little leg work, but saves you taking the exam and driving test.

Lots of threads on this, with in-depth details on the procedures etc.
Use the search function, it's your friend.
Also read the news as the procedures have changed recently to to eliminate "quick" or "fraudulent" licenses.

I had a friend caught recently that paid to get their license fast.
She was fine until she went to renew it again. Guess what, the new system caught the fraud.
It casued her lots of pain and lots of phone calls.
She was lucky, she didn't have an accident in this period otherwise her insurance would not have covered her.

Do it by the book, do not take short cuts and all will be fine.

License issuing on hold for nine days
The government department that issues driving licenses and driving learning permits announced that services would be supended for nine days starting Monday. The government is installing a new system that would offer more security. The new system incorporates digital finger imprints in the card. The new system would be interconnected with the security services of the government. Deputy Public Works Minister Claudia Franchesca de los Santos promised the new service would offer faster and more trustworthy service. She said that 2.6 million persons bear DR license cards.