Scholarship offer - The British Academy Visiting Fellowship Scheme


New member
Apr 17, 2004
This offer was received through Intec.

To anyone who could be interested,


British Academy Visiting Fellowships 2006-07

British Academy Visiting Fellowships promote international scholarship in the humanities and social sciences by enabling outstanding early-career scholars from overseas to undertake short periods of research in British institutions.

Although any early-career applicant from outside the UK may apply under this scheme, it is the Academy's intention to give priority to candidates from countries where financial resources to support visits to the UK are not readily available. Part of the funding is specifically allocated for candidates from Africa, and part for candidates from Latin America and the Caribbean.

The scheme is open to application by any scholar from outside the UK who has obtained a PhD within the last 5 years, or who is of equivalent status.

Application must be made in tandem with a UK-based academic sponsor whose home institution is willing to host the visit (UK institutions can apply to the Academy for the full economic cost of hosting the visiting scholar)

Fellows will be reimbursed for international travel and will receive a modest maintenance allowance. Guideline figures are ?1,500 per month (?1,700 in London). Fellowships may be undertaken for two to four months.

The closing date for applications is 15 December 2005, for visits to take place after 1 April 2006. Results of the competition will be announced in mid March.

Application forms and notes of guidance (for both candidates and host institutions) are available from the Academy's website:

International Relations, The British Academy
10 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH
Tel 020 7969 5220 Fax 020 7969 5414


Las becas "Visiting Fellowships" de la Academia Britanica de Londres promueven la erudicion internacional en las humanidades y las ciencias sociales y ayudan a los jovenes investigadores a que vengan a realizar sus proyectos de investigacion en Inglaterra.

Aunque todos los investigadores jovenes que no sean de Inglaterra pueden solicitar una beca, la Academia pretende dar prioridad a los candidatos que provienen de los paises donde no es facil conseguir fondos para viajar a Inglaterra. Asi un porcentaje fijo de las becas esta reservado a los candidatos de America Latina y del Caribe y otro a los candidatos de Africa.

Se ofrecen las becas a todos los investigadores extranjeros que hayan conseguido su doctorado dentro de los ultimos cinco anos, o que tengan una calificacion equivalente. Los candidatos deben realizar su solicitud en conjuncion con un academico ingles cuya institucion academica este dispuesta a apoyar la visita. La Academia cobra todos los gastos del transporte y proporciona una pension de mantenimiento de ?1,500 al mes al visitante durante su estancia en Inglaterra. Los viajes pueden durar dos a cuatro
meses. La fecha tope es el 15 de diciembre de 2005 y las visitas pueden empezar desde el primero de abril 2006. Se anunciaran los resultados a mediados de marzo. Toda la informacion necesaria esta en la pagina web de la Academia

International Relations, The British Academy 10 Carlton House Terrace,
London SW1Y 5AH Tel 020 7969 5220 Fax 020 7969 5414