On being "Domicanized"



I was just wondering if any of my fellow expats were slowly being "Dominicanized" by association, little by little?

Maybe you are but don't realized it. Here are a few pointers to help you recognize the "process" by which one becomes "Dominicanized":

1. You live in Cibao/la capital and notice the "ai"/"l" that they use and make fun of them for being different.

2. You wake up at 10 and don't do squat until 12 and can't wait until the siesta at 5.

3. You look forward to converstions at the local colmado about politicians as you are loading up on Brugal/Presidente.

4. Going to baseball games is becoming as close to "nirvanna" as it gets.

5. You look forward to getting together with friends over a few cold ones to discuss what ails "society".

6. Your daughters/sons speak a foreign language that is becoming less and less foreign and more the "norm".


Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
Along the years, I have been "dominicanized", and then, slowly "undominicanized"...

1-yes, I do notice the different accents...

2-no, I am an early bird, I am up with the sun whatever happens...

3-I really grew tired of the colmado's level of conversations after some years, it is way too basic, and really lacks perspective... I am done with that part.

4- Baseball is something foreign to me as I originally came from the Old Continent...

5- Fair enough, I still enjoy to "re-do" the world around a couple of "Grandes" every now and then...

6- I am fighting hard to keep addressing my kids in my native language, so they'll be bilingual, but since spanish is now almost like my mother tongue, it is not always easy...

It is of course a very personal feeling, and I am sure what is true for me might not be for my neighbour... But I have been diving pretty deep in dominican culture, and every year I feel more European... The more I know and understand the dominican mentality in general (from any social backgrounds...), the more I feel like it is REALLY NOT my intelectual heritage...

However I still love my "yucca con queso frito", and I still watch "Nuria" on saturdays...
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On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004

the politically correct term is not "dominicanized" but "aplatanado"...
May 12, 2005
Don't forget:

7.) traffic laws mean nothing to you anyore when you drive

8.) You're on dominican time. See you in 1 hour means I'll be there in 2.