Requirements to practice law in DR


New member
Jun 6, 2006
Thank you, but that did not really answer my question

I need clarification.....

So, a person with a US law degree can practice law if they are a dominican citizen???


Jan 28, 2004
I need clarification.....

So, a person with a US law degree can practice law if they are a dominican citizen???
Doesn't HB say you must be a graduate of a Dominican Law School? I believe you must sit for the equivalent of the Dominican Bar exam also.


New member
Jun 6, 2006
Doesn't HB say you must be a graduate of a Dominican Law School? I believe you must sit for the equivalent of the Dominican Bar exam also.

Yes he does....but it is unclear of the reasoning behind his statement. I wonder if the law requires you to graduate from a Dominican Law School...OR if you have to graduate from a Dominican law school in order to understand the law...

For example, if I studied on my own to pass the Dominican Bar exam and became a Dominican citizen, could I practice? Or does the law specifically state to practice law in DR you must get your degree from a Dominican law school. Depending on how the law is worded, would make a HUGE difference as to the implication. I would like to see the exact law stating that if possible...if anyone can point me there...Thanks.;)


Jan 1, 2002
You have to be graduated from a Dominican university. Your degree must be reviewed by the Dominican Bar Association.
A US law degree is kinda worthless here unless you want to offer consults to people doing business in the USA.

In order to practice law in the DR you MUST be a Dominican citizen.

As far as I know, there is no such thing as a bar exam here....


Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
The legal requirements are the following:

(1) A law degree from a Dominican Law School or the ?revalidation? at the University of Santo Domingo (UASD) of a law degree obtained in a foreign university. For graduates of common law countries, a revalidation is almost impossible. The candidate will have to take 90%+ of the courses.

(2) A decree from the President authorizing you to practice in the DR (?exequatur?)

(3) Obtaining membership at the Dominican Bar Association (?Colegio de Abogados de la Rep?blica Dominicana?).

(4) Swearing in as a lawyer at the Supreme Court.

(5) Registering at the local court.

Being a Dominican is no longer a requirement. You can practice law as a legal resident.

There is a bill pending in Congress instituting a Bar Exam and continuing education requirements.


Jan 1, 2002
Being a Dominican is no longer a requirement. You can practice law as a legal resident.

OH my Lord!! I think I'll try and become a lawyer in my old age!!!

Note to Fabio: When did this happen???



New member
Jun 6, 2006
The legal requirements are the following:

(1) A law degree from a Dominican Law School or the ?revalidation? at the University of Santo Domingo (UASD) of a law degree obtained in a foreign university. For graduates of common law countries, a revalidation is almost impossible. The candidate will have to take 90%+ of the courses.

I have a Civil Law degree with a Certificate in International and Comparative law. I studied In Europe and in South America, as well as taking International law classes at my law school. Do you think that will help me? How many classes do you think I would need to take at La Uasd? Thanks.

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
Hillbilly, this is old stuff, dating back to the enactment of the law creating the Colegio de Abogados in 1984. Article 4 of the law states:

Art. 4.- Ser?n miembros del Colegio de Abogados de la Rep?blica, todos los abogados que est?n admitidos a postular ante los tribunales de la Rep?blica y cumplan los deberes que esta ley se?ala y los que se establezcan en el Estatuto, C?digo de ?tica Profesional o cualesquiera otras disposiciones que adopte la Asamblea General.

P?RRAFO I: A los efectos de la presente ley, se considerar? abogado a toda persona f?sica, nacional o extranjera, que haya obtenido t?tulo de abogado en la Rep?blica, o revalidado el que haya sido expedido en el extranjero, o aquellos abogados de otros pa?ses cuyos gobiernos mantuvieren con el de nuestro pa?s instrumentos jur?dicos en los que se establezca la reciprocidad en el ejercicio profesional.

P?RRAFO II: Para tener el derecho a ejercer la profesi?n de Abogado se requerir? estar inscrito como miembro activo del Colegio de Abogados de la Rep?blica Dominicana.

I have two foreign attorneys practicing in my law firm. You now have a chance of being the third!

Holita, you should inquire at the UASD. You will have to present them, among other items, with a transcript and a description of the courses you have taken.


New member
Jun 6, 2006
Holita, you should inquire at the UASD. You will have to present them, among other items, with a transcript and a description of the courses you have taken.

Thank you...I will do that if I decide being a lawyer in the DR is what I want to do. Thank you so much for your time.