Birthing in the D.R.

molly wharton

New member
Nov 1, 2007

My husband and I are new to this forum, and I'm not even sure I'm doing this right...but I really need some help and thought that this looked like the best place to look!
We are moving to Santiago next week to run a hospitality house there. I am presently 5 months pregnant, and am due the first week of March. So, we are planning on having the baby there in Santiago.
I have found a couple hospitals and clinics in the immediate area that I am going to have to look into. But more than anything, I am hoping to establish a relationship with a midwife (or two) as soon as I can.
Does anyone know of a midwife, an organization of midwives, or any related resource that they can point me toward???
I would really appreciate any help that you can give me.




Jul 25, 2007
I honestly don't know if that is used here. Not to worry, we have had two daughers here and everything turend out fine. In fact our last one was born in August at the CLIME clinica close to the hospital. It cost me RD15,000 w/o insurance. My wife's gynecologist was the surgeaon and she visited him once or twice a month at RD700 or so per visit.

The clinic has AC, hot water, TV w/cable and clean rooms. You can't go wrong with them. BTW, my wife's doc is Dr. Ottenwalder - 809-226-8686 x4217 and the clinic, Cl?nica de Maternidad & Especialidades Salud Para Todos (809) 971-8300.