Any experience with Codia and La Uasd?


Jul 25, 2007
I'm in the process of getting my engineer's license recognized here in the DR, is there any chance anybody has worked with Codia or Uasd to have there coursework recognized? I'm asking as this is apparently all done in SD and I can't get people at the Uasd to pick up the danged phone.



Jul 25, 2007
Chip, I think you'll first need to have an official college transcript validated (legalized) by the Higher Education, Science and Technology Ministry
(SEESCYT) Servicios al Ciudadano - Legalizaci?n de Documentos Extranjeros -... I'll see what else I can find out for you..


Is this a department of UASD? I ask because the people at CODIA have told me I needed to get my college transcripts legalized by UASD. I then called the Civil Dept at UASD and they directed me to the "Revalida" Dept. They also noted that I will have to have the docs translated. Unfortunately, the people in the Revalida Dept don't like to pick up the phone, hence the problem.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Is this a department of UASD? I ask because the people at CODIA have told me I needed to get my college transcripts legalized by UASD. I then called the Civil Dept at UASD and they directed me to the "Revalida" Dept. They also noted that I will have to have the docs translated. Unfortunately, the people in the Revalida Dept don't like to pick up the phone, hence the problem.
I don't think you have to get your college transcript legalized by UASD. That's only true if you are an alumni of that university, which obviously you are not.

At least that's what I understood from the CODIA website:




Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Is this a department of UASD? I ask because the people at CODIA have told me I needed to get my college transcripts legalized by UASD. I then called the Civil Dept at UASD and they directed me to the "Revalida" Dept. They also noted that I will have to have the docs translated. Unfortunately, the people in the Revalida Dept don't like to pick up the phone, hence the problem.

As far as I understand it, all foreign college transcripts and degrees need first to be legalized and validated by SEESCYT. After your official college transcript has been legalized and your degree authenticated by SEESCYT UASD will accept it and the department that handles 'revalidas' will set the requisite (if any) to have your degree recognized here in DR (and of course by CODIA).



Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
Chip, here you will find all the info you need! OFICINA CENTRAL DE REVALIDA Y CO

I'll quote the requirements here so that a copy of them will be here on the forum. Good Luck!

Requisitos para solicitud de rev?lida de t?tulo

1- Carta de solicitud de Convalidaci?n, dirigida a la Oficina Central de Revalida y Convalidaciones de la Universidad Aut?noma de Santo Domingo, haciendo constar: nombre y apellidos del interesado, lugar y fecha de nacimiento, nacionalidad, domicilio y tel?fono. Nombre y localidad de la instituci?n de procedencia. Original y dos copias.

2- C?dula de identificaci?n personal si es dominicano (a). Si es extranjero (a) debe traer el pasaporte original y tarjeta de residencia, o documento emitido por la Direcci?n de Migraci?n, que avale su residencia permanente en el pa?s. originales y dos copias a color de cada documento.

3- Un (1) record de notas original, legalizado por el Consulado Dominicano acreditado en el pa?s donde realiz? los estudios, por la Canciller?a Dominicana, y por la Secretar?a de Estado de Educaci?n Superior, Ciencia y Tecnolog?a, SEESCYT. Original y tres copias.

4- Certificar el original y dos copias del t?tulo en el Consulado Dominicano acreditado en el pa?s donde realiz? los estudios, y en la Canciller?a Dominicana. El t?tulo original le ser? devuelto al solicitante, luego de hacer la comparaci?n con las dos copias certificadas que ser?n depositadas. (Previo a dar los pasos anteriores, el t?tulo debe ser certificado por el Ministerio de Educaci?n Superior del pa?s correspondiente).

5- El Plan de estudio (pensum) de la carrera realizada. Estos documentos deben estar firmados y sellados en cada p?gina por el organismo correspondiente en ese Centro de Estudio Superior, legalizados por el consulado dominicano acreditado en el pa?s correspondiente, y por la Canciller?a Dominicana. Original y 2 copias

6- Programas de contenido de cada una de las asignaturas cursadas en la carrera, firmados y sellados en cada p?gina. Legalizar en el Consulado Dominicano acreditado en el pa?s donde realiz? los estudios y en la Canciller?a Dominicana. Original y 2 Copias

7- Constancia de que la entidad de procedencia posee condici?n de Universidad oficialmente reconocida por las autoridades y organismo competentes del pa?s donde est? establecida. Original y 2 copias

8- Certificaci?n de no antecedentes penales, expedida por la autoridad competente del lugar de residencia donde el solicitante haya residido en los ?ltimos 3 a?os. Original y 2 copias

9- Acta de nacimiento certificada. Original y 2 copias

10- Tres (3) fotograf?as recientes, tama?o 2x2. Dos (2) f?lder 8? X 13.

11- Llenar formulario, hacer el pago por derecho a tr?mite.

12- Entregar la documentaci?n completa en un f?lder tama?o 8 ? x 13.

Observaci?n: Si los documentos requeridos para la solicitud de revalida, reconocimiento de t?tulos o para convalidaciones, est?n en un idioma diferente al espa?ol, estos deben ser traducidos por un int?rprete dominicano que tenga condici?n legal. Los documentos ya traducidos ser?n llevados a la procuradur?a General de la Rep?blica, para fines de certificar la firma del traductor. Si la traducci?n es realizada en el exterior, esta debe ser certificada por el consulado dominicano acreditado en el correspondiente, y en la canciller?a de la Rep?blica Dominicana.

*Convalidaci?n de Estudios: la convalidaci?n de estudios es el proceso mediante el cual la Universidad Aut?noma de Santo Domingo da como V?lidas las asignaturas cursadas y aprobadas por el solicitante en otra universidad o centro de educaci?n superior, nacional o internacional, para fines de continuar y concluir en esta instituci?n acad?mica. Para la convalidaci?n de asignaturas se tomar? en cuenta la denominaci?n de las mismas, su ubicaci?n en el plan de estudio, los contenidos de los programas, la cantidad de horas, cr?ditos, y otras condiciones, que de manera particular, se consideren pertinentes.



Jul 25, 2007
Chip, here you will find all the info you need! OFICINA CENTRAL DE REVALIDA Y CO

I'll quote the requirements here so that a copy of them will be here on the forum. Good Luck!


The list looks intimidating but 1 and 3 are applications and 3, 5 and 6 are covered by an official transcript. They are also asking that about the accreditation of the univ in the States and I'll have to call the registrars office about that. It is also kind of troubling that they want an original copy of license in Fl so I'll call the office to make sure that I can get another copy in the likely event that they lose it. Of course the hardest thing will be having to have this translated by a recognized translator and having it certified at the Miami consulado. They don't make things easy and I wonder why - can you say job security? :)



New member
May 29, 2006
What a difference. To revalidate my degree in the US. I only needed my official course of work translated and convalidated by authorized agencies.


Jul 25, 2007