Dish Latino gone N3 as of Today

Feb 7, 2007

Maybe you haven't noticed yet because they are Spanish channels but as of now those channels are gone to N3

825 Azteca
830 Telefutura Este
831 Telefutura Oeste
834 Pasiones
835 Telemundo Este
836 Telemundo Oeste
839 Teleamericas
840 TVEI
841 Tv Colombia
844 TV Dominicana
845 Discovery en Espanol
850 History en Espanol
854 ESPN en Espanol
855 Fsesp
857 Canal Sur
858 Teleformula
859 CNN en Espanol
862 De Peliculas
868 Telehit
870 HTV
872 MTV 3ES

All channels gone N3 as of 8 pm, ET, Thu 23/APR/2009

DOWN on old Dish subscriber smartcards.
DOWN on nfusion.

Other sat model owners please contribute your status.

We will see what happens to nfusion and Dish latino channels there. This is a determining point.


Mar 2, 2003
I heard that Telemundo and Telefuturas contract with Dish expired, and they have not been able to reach an agreement for renewal. I know there are other affiliate channels, maybe the channels are just gone.
Feb 7, 2007
I heard that Telemundo and Telefuturas contract with Dish expired, and they have not been able to reach an agreement for renewal. I know there are other affiliate channels, maybe the channels are just gone.

Well, I don't think Telemundo is getting off Dish ;)
It IS confirmed, all the channels I listed have switched to N3. They CANNOT be seen on nfusion, viewsat, coolsat, or any other box (for the moment) - personally confirmed.
They CANNOT be seen on Dish receivers with N2 card - personally confirmed
They CAN and ARE seen on Dish receivers with N3 card - personally confirmed

You might be confused about the whole agreement issue, I know Fisher Communications's channels have been off dish for about 2 weeks now (the agreement issue). Not that for Telefutura and Telemundo feeds.

Edited: additional research: Univision, Telefutura and Galavision contracts were to expire with Dish on APR/1/09. They renewed the agreement just several days ago.
Univision and Galavision still can be seen on N2, not that for Telefutura with is on N3 already.
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