English teaching


Susan Betcke

I understand that there is a need for English teachers as well as teachers to teach in English. I would like to know of any leads that you may have for early childhood levels. I will be returning to Santo Domingo in Late July looking for an August or September job opening. Thanks


Sorry, but I believe that you have been misinformed about the requirement for English teacher or teachers for English schools. I live in Canada and have been looking for a teaching position in the DR since March, nothing has come up. I have tried everything, even contacted schools there, there seemt to be no positions available. So many people want to go there, and no one wants to leave. Good luck finding work.


my experience with teaching jobs (especially teaching esl) is this: you have to be there to get a job. A lot of the process of job search is about connections. Who you know and the impressions you make in person mean a lot more than information given you over the phone or over the internet. Good luck!


There are lots of bilingual schools in Santo Domingo and now is the time to apply. Like Alyssa said, you have to be here to get one. You can also teach people who are working in companies and I can assure you, it pays a lot more!
Good luck!

Roxanne Hall

Hello! We are looking for jobs! Preferrably, teaching jobs. We are three biology majors so we are able to teach both english and science subjects. How do we contact schools or companies? What kind of companies should we be looking for? And if we are not there, how can we set up jobs if we are still in Canada. I have some fax numbers so far. If anybody can help us we would love it!
Roxanne, Chris, and Jason.