Interesting report about Punta Cana Airport-in Spanish


New member
Aug 19, 2004
El Tiempo-Bogota
Varios aviones se han aproximado el uno al otro en los ?ltimos meses, denunciaron hoy fuentes del sector.

La Asociaci?n Nacional de Pilotos (ANP) local acus? a las
autoridades competentes de ocultar las reales condiciones en que se encuentra el radar de la terminal de Punta Cana incapaz, asegur?, de determinar la altitud, velocidad y direcci?n de las aeronaves.

"Lamentamos profundamente que una situaci?n de esta naturaleza se quiera seguir ocultando de manera irresponsable, y sobre todo, que dicha irresponsabilidad sea patrocinada por aquellos que han sido designados para el mantenimiento y la preservaci?n de una aviaci?n sana y segura", afirm? el organismo en un documento.

La ANP record? que el aeropuerto de Punta Cana es uno de los m?s activos de Rep?blica Dominicana con una media de 200 vuelos semanales.

En el comunicado se precisa la "reiterada actitud" del Instituto
Dominicano de Aviaci?n Civil (IDAC) de "ocultar" la situaci?n de los
constantes acercamientos de aeronaves y el consecuente peligro que ello representa.

"Ante esa situaci?n, hemos decidido llevar el caso ante la
Federaci?n Internacional de Asociaciones de Pilotos de L?neas A?reas (IFALPA, por su sigla en ingl?s), para que env?e al pa?s una
comisi?n de t?cnicos que eval?e el caso y remita un informe sobre el caso del radar de Punta Cana", agreg? ANP.

De acuerdo a directivos de la asociaci?n de pilotos, la Fiscal?a
de la provincia Santo Domingo los cit? para ma?ana con el prop?sito de que ofrezcan m?s detalles sobre sus denuncias.
Rough translation:

Several airplanes have come near the one to the other in the last months, denounced sources of the sector today. The National Association of Pilotos (ANP) local blamed competent authorities to hide the real conditions in that is the radar of the terminal of incapable White End, assured, to determine the altitude, speed and direction of the airships. " We are sorry deeply that a situation of this nature is wanted to continue hiding of irresponsible way, and mainly, that this irresponsibility is sponsored by that the maintenance and the preservation of a healthy aviation have been designated for and segura" , it affirmed the organism in a document. The ANP remembered that the airport of White End is one of most active of Dominican Republic with an average of 200 weekly flights. In the official notice " needs; reiterated actitud" of the Institute Dominican of Aviaci?n Civil (IDAC) of " ocultar" the situation of constant approaches of airships and the consequent danger that it represents. " Before that situation, we have decided to take the case before Federation the International of Associations of Pilots of Air lines (IFALPA, by its abbreviation in English), so that it sends to country one commission of technicians that evaluates the case and sends a report on the case of the radar of Cana" End; , it added ANP. According to managers of the association of pilots, the Office of the public prosecutor of province it mentioned them to the Santo Domingo for morning in order that offers more details on their denunciations.