Feedback Blood Donor Registry

Aug 21, 2007
In light of the frustrations felt by many dr1'ers in regard to achieving results and resolving life and death problems, I would like to inform you all of this one huge success you have had which took place without your knowledge.

I do volunteer work for a local non-profit. Perhaps some of you may remember a past thread where I wrote about the challenges of a mother and her hydro-encephalic baby who were receiving our services.

After assisting the mother and baby through one operation to insert a shunt, the baby developed life threatening complications. On December 23, thanks to the generosity of several people, baby Carlos Miguel, now 8 months old, went through his second surgery, removing the first shunt and placing a new one in the other side of his skull.

Following the operation, we were told that there was a strong chance he needed a blood transfusion. As an 8 month old, he had very little blood to spare.

It was now Christmas eve. His blood is the rare B+. Where was I going to find a donor?

Knowing that the intent of the dr1 blood donor registry was for ex-pats to assist one another when in need, I took the risk of finding the one and only B+ donor on the North Coast. I don't believe I ever met this person, but I chanced sending a PM, pleading the case of Carlos Miguel and asking whether this person would be a willing donor.

Remember. It is now Christmas. Hardly a convenient time for someone to lay aside their own plans, take the time and risk decreasing their own energy level by donating blood to a stranger who is destitute and never will be able to express any gratitude.

Miraculously, this individual wrote back within hours, stating that yes, they would be willing to remain on standby should the baby need blood.

You cannot comprehend the relief everyone involved felt, knowing that after all our work and sacrifices for this child, someone was willing to give their own blood, should something go wrong at the last moment.

Today, December 26, the baby and mother are released from the hospital and recovering at our facility. In the end, he did not need the transfusion....for the time being, anyway.

However, without the dr1 blood donor registry and the efforts and generosity of you dr1'ers, this story might have had a far different ending.

The potential dr1 B+ blood donor prefers to remain anonymous, and I will respect that. You know who you are. From the bottom of my heart, please accept my thanks.

And to all the rest of you who posted your names and blood types, thank you, as well. You could have been the person I contacted had the blood type been different. You have provided a life giving service.

Thank you.

Your Blood Donor Registry is a big success!
