LG refrigerator repair - Any recommendations Puerto Plata/Sosua/Cabarete Area


Apr 29, 2014
My LG fridge is not cooling as it should. Last time I had a local brand fridge repaired by one of these "we fix everything" outfits. After grinding the wrong replacement part almost into oblivion and sticking it in place with chewing gun, I cut my loses and bought a new fridge. I'm prepared to give the repair process another try as I like my current fridge. 

Anyone have success with a high end refrigerator repair in my neck of the woods and can point me to a repair person who has a clue and the wherewithal to arrange for the shipping of parts from Santo Domingo on the bus? I already know no one is going to have my replacement parts sitting on a dusty shelf with my name already on them.



Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Call wherever you bought it, they will recommend a licensed repair for LG. Last year our GE washer had trouble, we called the store and repairmen came to us. The had to order the part shipped in, took about 10 days. The repair order was on GE logo stationary.  I'm sure LG must offer the same. 


Apr 11, 2004
Refri Taller FELO Jose Severino Sosua 809 893 3402. Don't know if he is still in business, as it has been many years ago that I used him. But if he is, I recommend him highly. Very reasonable and will get the job done.


Apr 29, 2014
Thx for the replies so far, keep em coming. I'm all in favor of choice for this and future needs.


Active member
Aug 16, 2013
I am certainly not an expert in fridge repairs - just so we are off on the right foot.
If, as you say, the fridge is just not cooling properly several things - first off is the
freezer portion accumulating more ice than normal? If so the first thing I would
check is the defrost portion of the unit. If there is ice built up on the internal coils
then the unit will not cool normally. Most (and I say most) units use a halogen bulb
to turn on/off which melts the ice build up; when this bulb burns out the ice continues
to accumulate and blocks the flow of air over the coils. Just give it a good look in the
freezer section usually all it takes to find the culprit or, might have to remove a screw
or two to get a good look at the internal coils. If the unit does use a halogen type
bulb it will appear blackish if burned out or if you have a multimeter you can check
it for continuity - remove it from the unit before performing any meter checks! All
this assuming no fridge location changes have been made and that any "external" coils
are free of foreign material...Rgds.


Apr 29, 2014
Thx for the suggestion banzai. Neither the fridge or freezer compartment gets anywhere near the temperatures that are set on the controls. The freezer hovers around -1.5C and the fridge around 7C. Ice maker has stopped making ice.

I unplugged the appliance yesterday and a chunk of ice did fall out the bottom (freezer on the bottom) Left it unplugged all day to dry out and settle. Plugged it back in around midnight last night and it did not "whir" to life as I expected it would. Quiet hum. A few hours later no significant cooling in either compartment and no noticeable fan noise.  

Left it plugged in over night and checked the temp in the morning. As indicated above. Unplugged the fridge again to await the arrival of someone who knows more than me.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Most " american" ( ie, big a.ss things :) ) fridges have an easily accessed component ( well for a technician that is , not for me ;) )  that acts,as a protection for motor/compressor/motherboard/etc.....  
When the electricity was bad, my GE fridge burnt out that piece like 6 times. Quick, easy repair. 500 pesos.

Sadly, I had a misunderstanding on the phone with my wife , while she was abroad, and I let the wrong guy touch my fridge. Bad idea !!!!,!!!!!!
In the end I found a guy in Imbert ( too far out for you, sadly ) who knows of fridges that use motherboards ( as dr fridges dont ).
Its nearly back to normal ( with a stress on nearly :( ), but at least it works.

Recently I had to change the "resistance" that defrosts the cooling column ( ie, rids of the ice every so often ). You will be able to tell its gone bad, as the clear glass of the bulb/resistance turns all black. A bit costly ( for me ;) ), around 30-40$ repair man included.

More rarely on a good fridge, but very often on a dr 4th hand fridge, the freon (?)  gas may need topped up.

No Place Like Home

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2013
Silverio 809.387.5762 fixed mine last month. The freezer was fine but ice was forming inside the other area. He replaced the thermostat, 1,200 pesos and adjusted the door as it would not close properly. He is in POP area.


Apr 29, 2014
Thanks to all who replied. My contact list has become bigger.

In the end I opted to go with a company called Relectra located in Puerto Plata. 809-571-3809.
They arrived very quickly after the initial request for service. Some office staff speak passable English. They diagnosed the problem quickly, quoted for the repair, disappeared to do another service call in the area and procure the needed parts. They returned 45 minutes later than they said they would, but they came back and my fridge problem seems to be corrected. 

The tech thanked me for my business and left. I believe someone will be arriving today to collect the payment. Apparently, the techs do not accept payments directly or charge the customer in advance for the parts they need to complete the work.

This company doesn't have a large internet presence that I could find and the scope of their business is not clear to me, but refrigeration, AC and appliance repair seems right up their alley.
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Dec 5, 2013
I'm writing to this thread even though it's a few years old in case any of the previous posters could provide any tips. As mentioned previously, we found our Frigidaire fridge dead when we arrived last month. An elderly gentleman, sent by my SIL and apparently a person who has fixed quite a few fridges in the family, provided the diagnosis that the gas has leaked out (I agree with that), and the controller board is dead due to power surge. All is fine.

Now my question: He said that he would build in a timer to control the defrosting and only leave the lights to be drive by the board. For the leaked refrigerant, he would simply disable the current coil in the back of the fridge and build a new one, climbing on the freezer's back. Having previously not dealt with fridges, I did not question anything, but my question is, would it not make more sense to try to find the leak? With a pump that provides dyed air or that method that involves ultra-violet light method? Also, he will need to install a new thermostat if the controller board is no longer used, right?