President Abinader tells of the far-reaching impacts of the war in Ukraine


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

President Luis Abinader was at the Lake Lucerne area in Switzerland on 15 and 16 June 2024 to attend the Swiss Peace Summit on Ukraine. President Abinader was accompanied by Foreign Minister Robert Alvarez.

The Presidency reported that President Luis Abinader during his turn at the working session on food safety, chaired by the President of Kenya William Ruto, highlighted the negative impact the Ukrainian war has had on the Dominican economy, stating that the conflict has affected the food security of the Dominican population.

Abinader expressed concern for the loss of human lives and the precarious situation in the matter of food safety caused by the damage caused by the installations of production and storage of cereals in Ukraine, a former world leader in grain exports. The two years of war have increased the prices of these basic commodities for the...

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
You bet he's all over the president of Kenya trying to get him to sort out Haïti. I was wondering what on earth was the point of.Abinader rocking up at that event but I do see the connection with tourism. Those groups of oh so classy Russians filling up the cheap hotels in Bávaro and drinking all their vodka it's a huge loss.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
You bet he's all over the president of Kenya trying to get him to sort out Haïti. I was wondering what on earth was the point of.Abinader rocking up at that event but I do see the connection with tourism. Those groups of oh so classy Russians filling up the cheap hotels in Bávaro and drinking all their vodka it's a huge loss.
You beat me to it MR. I would love to have been within earshot of the sidebar conversations between Abinader and Ruto on the long delayed Kenyan intervention in Haiti. I’ve met a lot of Russians in the AI’s in Playa Dorada over the years. A few of them were engaging and I enjoyed chatting with them, especially about Russia-Canada International hockey competitions. Many were constantly drunk, belligerent, and not kind to AI staff. I witnessed a scuffle between a group of Russians tourists and US Coast Guard crew on R&R at the Sunscape resort in Playa Dorada. It was tense and the resort security didn’t intervene. Finally enough tourist police arrived to control the situation. Cuba is now their preferred destination. Much cheaper than the DR. Good riddance.


Active member
Mar 7, 2004
The conference failed or was set to fail.
Some nations did not sign the final communication and none of BRICs.
The conference was a mix of Versailles capitulation negotiations and Nurenberg trials.
Europe went all in.
Discussed were economic concerns, human rights violations and nuclear safety.
It was not about peace.
Human rights is a reminder to the Nurenberg trials that gave a reason for the war because a war of aggression was not a valid reason so a reason had to be found in order to get public support.
Russias points were completly ignored.
Ukrain territorial integrity has to be preserved.
70 countries made a decision to ignore Russians concerns and are willing to further corner Russia.
Russia can not step back after 2 years of war and draw back.
Europe and Russia are both forced to continue their path.
With the final communication the conference was not a peace but a war conference.
It laid the ground for war preparation.

A few developments in the last few days:
Military conscription discussed in the USA and Germany.
Putin repeatedly said that Russians nuclear doctrin is clearly defined and automated.
Some S300 and S400 on Crimea eliminated (by NATO which is an open secret).
S500 stationed on Crimea that can shoot nuclear warheads to deter many incoming missiles.
Artwork from museums are evacuated from Crimea.
Nato now makes an unknown number of nuclear wareheads combat ready.
Newest Russian submarine Archangelsk with hypersonic missiles with nuclear warheads sailing first time concerning NATO.

Serb president Vucic just said that direct war with Russia is unavoidable in 2 to 6 month.
Vucic is the Serb leader that has secret service information and contact with other leaders.
The train left the station and can not be stopped.
The peace conference set the start.

Abinadar should not have signed the final communication.
He correctly sees the consequences the war already has for the D.R.

But he as most people does not see that a hot war with NATO with use of tactical nukes has on the D.R.I think a hot war in Europe as warned of by Vucic this is the most likely variation and to question what will happen if the hot war is not limited to Europe and strategic nukes are used is beyond imagination and it is not possible to plan for.
In case of a hot war in Europe, will there still be tourist flights to the D.R. from Europe?



Jun 16, 2014
I think people have totally lost their minds. A hot war in Europe using nuclear weapons will quickly escalate to an all-out nuclear war which will pretty much end civilization as we know it. The DR has to import all its oil and gas. Absolutely nothing will be working here for a long time - no electric, no internet, no food, no water. Flights? 😂
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
there is a strong possibility that the war will be over in 5 or 6 months


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2022
The war in Ukraine? I sure hope you're right. Contrary to what you hear, Ukraine is losing badly.
I'm surprised Ukraine needs so much aid from the West considering the Russians are fighting with shovels and microchips from washing machines, as per BBC reports 😁
Abi had no business being there, if he wants to play some sort of a leader on the international stage he has Haiti to deal with, start there.

El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic
I'm surprised Ukraine needs so much aid from the West considering the Russians are fighting with shovels and microchips from washing machines, as per BBC reports 😁
Abi had no business being there, if he wants to play some sort of a leader on the international stage he has Haiti to deal with, start there.
Abinader doesn’t want the Haiti fix to cost him any money, but he will complain about it and gladly let the US pay!
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Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
I am prepared for the nukes, I bought loads of toiletpaper.

Won‘t be necessary. What will be necessary is the standard operating procedure for a nuclear attack. Bend down, place your head between your legs and kiss your posterior goodbye. 🤣 Anyone remember the old civil defence films showing students how to hide under the desk in the event of a nuclear attack?


Jun 16, 2014
Won‘t be necessary. What will be necessary is the standard operating procedure for a nuclear attack. Bend down, place your head between your legs and kiss your posterior goodbye. 🤣 Anyone remember the old civil defence films showing students how to hide under the desk in the event of a nuclear attack?
I didn't see the films - I actually practiced that in school! 😂


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
there is a strong possibility that the war will be over in 5 or 6 months
I agree. Putin is not stupid enough to risk all the financial and political power he’s gained. He already said he wants to be President again. The EU and US using the interest on frozen Russian assets to to rearm the Ukraine means the war can go on indefinitely. Putin said yesterday he is not ruling out talks with the Ukrainians. He also spoke about his initial demands for a ceasefire. The Ukrainians military must vacate four of their provinces under Russian control and cease their request to be a member of NATO.


Jun 16, 2014
I agree. Putin is not stupid enough to risk all the financial and political power he’s gained. He already said he wants to be President again. The EU and US using the interest on frozen Russian assets to to rearm the Ukraine means the war can go on indefinitely. Putin said yesterday he is not ruling out talks with the Ukrainians. He also spoke about his initial demands for a ceasefire. The Ukrainians military must vacate four of their provinces under Russian control and cease their request to be a member of NATO.
Using interest from Russian frozen assets is a bad precedent and I don't think it's been implemented yet(?). The Russian economy is doing better than all western advanced nations. The longer he war goes on, the more Ukrainian soldiers will will end up dead and more of Ukraine totally destrpyed.

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2022
...The EU and US using the interest on frozen Russian assets to to rearm the Ukraine means the war can go on indefinitely.
That's not really true. The frozen Russian assets are frozen in the West, meaning it's still the West giving their money to Ukraine, it's not like Russians are paying the interest on the frozen assets. Most EU economies, and most noticeably Germany are in shambles because of all the aid Uncle Sam makes them send to Ukraine and there is a lot of Russian assets frozen there, the sanctions on Russia have backfired on everyone too. If Putin wanted to end this war he could do it within months, he just has to let the military mobilize a million soldiers and it's over for Ukraine. Believe it or not Russian economy is benefiting from the war, the sanctions are helping Russian companies get rid of the Western competitors and stimulate domestic production, and as long as China and India (1/3 of the World population) are doing business with Russia and buying Russian gas they're safe.
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Nov 9, 2023
PS. But who knows, Abi demanded Putin pull all his troops back, so who knows, maybe Putin will listen and the end of the war is near.
Politics. I think Abi signed because the countries that back Ukraine are the same countries that are needed for UN intervention in Haiti.
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Active member
Mar 7, 2004
This is one of my main concerns. Missing the last opportunity to get a flight.
I see it like Vucic.
No will for peace and an inevitable sequence of events within only a few month.

Time to make decisions.

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Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
Using interest from Russian frozen assets is a bad precedent and I don't think it's been implemented yet(?). The Russian economy is doing better than all western advanced nations. The longer he war goes on, the more Ukrainian soldiers will will end up dead and more of Ukraine totally destrpyed.

It’s a done deal as far as I know. All G7 members signed and approved the use of the interest on frozen Russian financial assets to pay to rearm the Ukraine a few days ago. About 90% for military equipment and 10% for infrastructure reconstruction. The money is in the form of a loan to the Ukraine meaning it must be paid back at some point. The biggest benefactor will be the US military complex, the main supplier of military hardware to the Ukraine. Putin’s response was that it was illegal and Russia would fight the funding agreement. Good luck with that.

Russia is having its own problems keeping their military ranks filled. A lot of young Russian men have fled the country to avoid conscription since the war began. They are trying to attract citizens from other countries to join their ranks. The same thing is happening in the Ukraine on a smaller scale. If Macron doesn’t survive his hastily called election, that might benefit Putin. Macron is a strong supporter of sending NATO troops to the Ukraine to help them fight against the Russians. LePin I suspect is not. If Macron gets re-elected, that plus the new extended range missiles given to the Ukraine and permission to use them by Germany, the UK, and the US might give Putin pause for thought. The threat of nuclear retaliation will only work to a point. He’s threatened to use it several times and NATO has still pushed forward with their Ukrainian support, despite the threats.

Don’t forget the US-Ukraine multi billion dollar 10 year military funding deal Biden just set up to prevent future congressional funding delays. The drawdown of funds goes ahead regardless of who wins the US election in November.

That’s two funding sources the Ukraine can depend on. All in all, the Ukraine is not doing too badly. Keeping their military ranks full is their biggest problem. Military technology can compensate for some of that but, ultimately, both the Ukrainian and Russian ranks will dwindle in an extended war.

China will support Russia as long as their trade with the US, the EU, and the UK is not affected. NATO members are threatening China with sanctions and embargoes. China’s economy is not as robust as it was pre Covid. They can’t afford to take significant economic hits from their major trading partners.