Court orders Ministry of Industry & Commerce to share study on fuel stations, MICM complies


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

The Ministry of Industry & Commerce (MICM) was ordered by court to provide Jefte Ventura, a representative from the online platform Hablando de Vehículos, with the results of a study on fuel quality monitoring in the country. This study contained over 5,000 pages of information on inspections of 965 fuel stations, petrol ship cargos, and fuel distribution sites conducted by the company Alvepet from December 2022 to August 2023.

The public release of this study followed a legal battle between Ventura and the MICM, which had previously refused to provide the information. However the Ministry did so only after a Superior Administrative Court (TSA) ruled the MICM release the study.

The information in the study is now being analyzed, and the names of the fuel stations found to be in violation of regulations are likely to be made public.

The judge’s ruling...

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