Anti tick tablets dogs


Sep 14, 2007
I always used to use Frontline and they are often on sale on Amazon. However I have started using Amazon basics brand and it works just as well. A few years ago I moved int a place that was infested with ticks and within a few days my dogs had dozens of ticks on them. As Frontline is probably better than Amazon Basics I got some of them to start with for the first 6 months to make sure that there were no more ticks on the property and then changed to the Amazon Basics brand to maintain them and they have never had a tick since. Frontline on Amazon for small dogs costs U$75 for a 6 month treatment and U$64 for larger dogs but the Amazon Basics brand costs U$25 for 6 a six month treatment for larger dogs and U$24 for smaller dogs, which is a huge difference to Frontline. So my advice is get a good product like Frontline to start then once there are no more ticks around change to the Amazon Basics brand to maintain them. FYI I have 3 dogs, a schnauzer/chihuahua mix, a golden retriever and a rottweiler mix and the Amazon Basics works well on all three.
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Aug 21, 2007
I was buying Nexguard at Dr. de la Cruz, but with 4 dogs - 3 of them big ones - it was costing me around 6,000 every month. Personally, I am still fighting scabies, though it is better than before and actually, when I was in the US for three weeks, I was cured. No sooner got off the airplane and the itching began again.

Anyway, I am now making war with these parasites, treating the dogs as well - even though my friend Google says that scabies cannot live on dogs. Yesterday, I stopped at an AgroVet in the campo and we had a talk. He sold me the Nexguard for 3,000, not the 6,000 ish. And then he drove to my house and injected all four dogs with ivermectin at no additional cost.

While the AgroVets have more experience with large animals and cannot do all the delicate stuff on small pets, they do know their stuff about flees, ticks, and parasites and their charges are more reasonable.

Don't get me wrong, Dr. de la Cruz is a good doctor. All my dogs have been to him and I have no complaint about his doctoring. But for the bugs and parasites, the AgroVets can do the same treatments and charge less.
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