You have to wonder why these "prospects" and their families think that the truth will never come out.
Nothing new here.You have to wonder why these "prospects" and their families think that the truth will never come out.
It is 18 to sign an MLB contract in the US, but many in the US are informally negotiated/discussed at an earlier age and are officially signed at 18Poverty, greed, yes, I agree. But I also see it as an opportunity for the MLB to look at the signing process of international players. In the US being 19 yrs old or above is the norm (college signings). But in the DR those opportunities are just not there as much (or if at all) for players older than say 16 yrs old for example (signing age). Is it right to falsify birthdates, names,, not at all. I put a lot of blame on the "entrenadors". They push the idea (changing birthdates, names, etc) to the families saying that this is the only way, knowing they are going to get a cut of the bonus money. In the DR where nothing stays a secret for too long, the truth eventually is discovered, everyone then loses. There is so much more to this issue than people realize.