Mexican singer Thalia chooses bachata by Olga Lara for her Christmas album


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

Mexican singer Ariadna Thalía Sodi Miranda (Thalia) saw herself in Dominican singer and composer Olga Lara’s lyrics and promptly signed on to buy the rights of the unedited compositions, a catchy and moving bachata. The track was released recently as “Nueva Navidad” and has been a seasonal success.

Olga Lara explained during an interview with Mariasela Alvarez for Esta Noche con Mariasela, that the Mexican saw in her song a tribute to her deceased mother. Little did the Mexican singer know that the song would also apply this Christmas to her 64-year old sister, who has just died.

During the interview with Alvarez, Lara explained she has another 50 songs ready for sale.

Listin to the music:You Tube + Nueva Navidad El Nuevo Diario...

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