Time is running out on prosecuting major cases of corruption


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019
Defense counsel in the corruption case known as Antipulpo has requested that the court drop the case because of the statute of limitations. This decision could affect many other of the major corruption cases currently pending in the Dominican court system.

The defense lawyers are basing their arguments on Article 148 of the Criminal Process Code, which stipulates certain time limitations for criminal proceedings. According to this article the clock starts with the first arraignments of the accused.

The major point in this instance is that a decision to drop the Antipulpo case because of a statute of limitations could well affect such cases as Coral, Coral 5G and Medusa, all of which are currently plodding along in the system.

The Antipulpo case officially began on 29 November 2020 with the arrests and searches carried out against 27 people and 21 companies, all tied to the brother of former president Danilo Medina. In the case of the Coral indictments, this case began in...

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